The Wind Howls

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Kole was just a little boy.

A smart one.

He gazed out the window of the prison he was caged in, his expression remained emotionless. Mostly due to the fact that he had absolutely no idea what was happening. (So much for smart..)

Although smart, he didn't know what this place was or where it was even located. Every time he gazed out that little window, all he saw was dry and harsh weather out there. No matter how hot it was, the sunlight would never shine. Instead hide in the clouds, the sun itself didn't even want to look upon the child's misfortune of falling into this kind of place. Kole only knew that this place was very, very bad..I mean, he's seen people die and get tortured already! All the children in there were lab rats, waiting to be tested on..including himself. He knew.

He was aware.

Despite knowing this he knew never to step outside. The idea would always flash by once in a while, but he had learned not to..

A few days ago, he wanted to escape from this place, never wanting to come back again after seeing the horrors of it.

And so he planned to do just that..except somebody had already did that before him.

Outside that little window, the one where sunlight wouldn't dare to go through, he saw something, something that made his breath quicken and his pupils shrink.

He saw a small child, currently running. It was a hybrid child, a bull. Not that it mattered but, it was pretty fast.

He saw a guard, out of nowhere start chasing after the hybrid child. The hybrid was still fast, with its little legs that could probably carry it for miles. The hybrid child could probably outrun the guard if the child kept it up for just a bit longer..

But the guard..the guard didn't seem to be in the mood for playing chase.

The guard swiftly pulled out something..

A sniper rifle.

Kole's breath hitched and his eyes grew impossibly wider as he saw the whole thing, his heart pounding and rooting for the hybrid child to get out of sight.

It was too late.

A loud bang was heard before the hybrid child fell limp on the ground with a big thud.

Kole sat there, still looking out the window, completely stunned. This time his heart throbbing in pain as he saw the child go limp.

He was aware.

Aware of death.


The wind seemed to howl, as if it was mourning the poor hybrid child's death.

Kole still stared out the window as the merciless guard dragged the body out of sight, he was now staring at nothing.

Just the cruel, cruel world he lived in..he wanted to see it burn, he wanted to see it burn and then be cleaned again.

He wanted the world to be new again..get rid of all the filth on it.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared out the window for a long while. If he could cry, he would. But his eyes were dry. No tears would come.

He didn't understand why he was feeling this way. The feeling of pure hatred for this world consuming his heart and soul. It burned all over him, his skin feeling all weird and a slight stinging sensation.

His fingertips trembled softly, his eyes narrowed and his breath now calm.

He couldn't be sure that this world would change, but if it couldn't, he'd just get rid of it.

It felt like pure instinct to do just that, as if he lost all of his sanity at just four years old.

The little white, cushioned room he was in had a tense atmosphere already. It was normal, having that kind of instinct.

He had developed something, something that couldn't be driven away, no matter how much you tried.

It was built into his blood..the person he was supposed to be designed after wasn't exactly a sane one, at least they both had something in common, even if they had never met.

The only way to remove that feeling or..instinct from him was to..

Shed some blood..or shed all the blood that he contained.


The doors of the room he was trapped in quietly creaked open, a hand slowly went in. Holding a plate of steak.

It set down the plate infront of the door before the hand was out of sight and the door closed quietly.

Kole, snapped out of his trance. Stared at the steak. Not knowing if it was drugged with something that might put him to sleep, since it's been done so, so many times..

He slowly crawled towards the plate, his eyes scanning over the plate, maybe just this once, they might actually be sincere.

His lips slowly went near the big steak, before softly nibbling on it with his canines. Refusing to use any spoons, knifes or forks that were offered to help him eat.

It was like a kitten trying to eat a whole fish, couldn't eat too big or you'll choke, couldn't eat too little or you'll starve.

It was like life, you'll be stuck at two roads, both leading in the same direction. But it didn't mean that the direction both were heading to wasn't all fun and games.

So, you'll have to find your own direction..otherwise, you'll end up in one of those roads, and what you'll find at the end of them isn't really good.

He slowly glanced up at the ceiling, his eyes staring up at there. Yearning to see the stars and the moon instead of a blank, white wall. That filled him with nothing but frustration, and pain. His fists clenched at his sides, hoping.

Hoping that something might happen, dreamed of something happening. But those are only wants, he needed to do something if he really wanted that.

This world was cruel, and you can't survive if you can't be the exact way.
Sorry if most of the things in this part are a bit cringe or confusing..

But other than that! Hope you guys liked it!! 🥰🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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