A Silent Lull

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Just as the pitch black night, my mind had drowned in a darkness, a sadness so deep that even if I did try - And I did - clawing my way back up I'd only slip, slide and plop back down at the rocky bottom of the hollow pit I now called my home. 

Exhaustion weighed on my sore body, rendering me unable move. Was this it? Maybe I would never bounce back like I had so many times before. I wasn't sure why this was different from the other times I'd so bravely climbed all the way back up to greet the light of the day that was; happiness. 

This time, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to get there. Somehow the silent lull of nothingess was comforting and made me wonder if maybe staying here would be better, rather than clawing my way back to do this all over again soon enough. 

Was I giving up? 

Again and again, and again, I had found myself in this exact spot and every single fucking time I'd cry, dry my tears and try again. This time around I found myself tear-less and with a hollow knawing feeling at the pit of my soul. A change of pace from the normal turmoil that would wring me of my sweat and tears. 

My eyes stare up, looking for the light I could normally spot at the top, but up there is nothing. It's pitch black, I had nothing to guide me back and I wasn't sure I even cared. Heavy shadowy arms wrapped themselves around my shivering body as I let it rock me into an endless dream.

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