Chapter Eighteen

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It doesn't take me long to figure out what Darian's next campaign of harassment will look like. The very next day, he's back at practice, and not a single guy on the team will look at me, let alone talk or partner with me. Except for Ryone, that is. At least one person isn't buying into Darian's brand of toxic behavior.

It's pretty obvious that Ms. Collier has noticed the tension, even if Coach remains oblivious. Unfortunately, there's not much she can do about it. After all, the guys can't be accused of sexual harassment if they won't even acknowledge my existence. So, I put on a facade, pretending like their actions don't bother me. I focus on listening to Coach's instructions and try my best to stay positive.

This uneasy peace lasts until the Homecoming Dance. Cerys is the only one who even has a prospect, Ryone. Unfortunately he's out with a sprained ankle from the big football game the previous night, so we decide to go as a friend group instead. Lluisa's aunt picks us all up in her minivan. "I know it isn't a limousine, but it isn't prom just yet!" she keeps joking. She seems like a lovely person, and I can tell Lluisa looks up to her a lot.

As we arrive, heads turn, and I can't help but acknowledge that we make a peculiar group. Cerys is probably the most vanilla, with just a simple lavender colored a-line dress. Meanwhile, Trinee looks stunning in a forest green corset dress that accentuates her ample curves, complemented by her usual dark eyeshadow and glossy black lipstick. Lluisa dresses a bit more conservatively in a black top and a floral patterned skirt that falls past her knees. And then there's Emma. I struggle to find the right words to even describe her dress. Red velvet, plunging neckline, and sleeves so long they almost sweep the floor.

As for me? Well, I'm wearing a sleeveless flare dress with a black and glitter lace pattern, a dress that Umma tried to talk me out of wearing until Mei stepped in and said to let me be. "It shows too much muscle," Umma had grumbled, but Mei replied, "She is gorgeous just the way she is."

We kick things off with some refreshments. I pile up the fruit and veggies, avoiding the cheese and crackers altogether. Can't risk any cross-contamination, you know? Trinee glances at my plate and comments, "That's not a lot." Meanwhile, her plate is a medley of everything on offer.

"I'm vegetarian," I explain with a shrug. "We kinda learn to eat before events because we never know if there'll be anything for us."

Trinee nods in understanding. "That's cool. I mean, not that you have to do that, but it's cool that you're vegetarian. I once thought about going vegan to shed a few pounds." She gestures toward herself with her free hand. "But I just can't resist cheese. It's just too dang good."

"Well, I think you look beautiful," I assure her.

Trinee beams me one of her infectious smiles, the kind that makes you smile back whether you want to or not. "I know, right?"

We settle at one of the tables towards the back of the gym, and the other girls soon join us. Emma, being who she is, insists on taking a group selfie before we start digging into the food. "Better capture the moment before someone spills punch on themselves or something," she quips.

"Please don't post this on Snaply," says Cerys before I have a chance to say the same thing.

Emma shakes her head. "You all are too special to be shared with my followers. This one's just for us." She grins suddenly. "The Ghostlight Girls."

We engage in lively conversation, and it feels great to catch up with everyone. Cerys appears to be doing better, other than seeming anxious about having her photo shared online. For the rest of the evening, she's much more relaxed. Trinee is her usual bubbly self, Lluisa remains quiet, and as for Emma... well, she's Emma.

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