Chapter 1 The Dream

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The light blue haired girl ran through the battle field, she had to stop this battle. She had to stop those she considered her brother and sister from killing each other.
She saw them ahead as a black haired young teen Agarthan stepped in front of her and stopped her sprint. "Thales, move." she said firmly as a man in his 20's joined him. "Sorry Charise, we can't let you pass." that one said gruffly.
She glared at them. "Solon, Thales... you two aren't making this easy on me, or yourselves, you know that." she sighed with a huff, summoning a thin lance to her hand.
Solon, the eldest of the two frowns. "There's no changing your mind, is there." drawing his own weapon, as Thales does the same.
"No, there's not." eyeing them as they circle her.
She soon knocks them both out and sighs. "I'm so sorry my friends, I never wanted it to come to this." using her powers to heal there injuries as she continues to the other two fighting each other fiercely while being snarky to each other.
She saw them summon their main weapons and continue to fight and darted foreword, hoping to stop their next blows in time. She gasped in shock as their weapons hit her as well and heard there alarmed and shocked shouts as well, as they releasing their weapons and the one she considered a brother catching her as she fell and gently laying her on the ground with her head in his lap. The one she considered a sister sitting on the ground next to him, concern clearly on her face.
Charise chuckled weakly at that. "At least you to stopped now."
Sothis sniffled at that. "You absolute fool. Why did you do that, knowing your powers keep mine from affecting you."
Epimenides nodded, "And mine as well, and your wounds, they're... they're." he looks away as Sothis sniffles again.
"Because you're the only family I've ever known, and family... shouldn't fight family." she replied, stalling slightly as a sharp pain ran through her body from one of the wounds.
They both stared at her at that, then nodded. "Thales and Solon will be sad you know." Epimenides said quietly.
"So won't Seiros." Sothis said quietly.
"I know, those two boys tried to stop me. Don't worry, I healed them after knocking them out." as they hear running. "And there they are."
as they both skid to a stop, Thales sinking to his knees. "No." softly.
She smiled gently at him. "Do not blame them, kid, and do not blame yourself. This was my choice."
Solon swallowed hard at that. "Aren't you scared though?" he asked.
"I am not. As long as I still have one believer, there is a chance that I will be reborn." she said softly.
Thales frowned more. "What happens if there is none? If you are forgotten?" softly.
She smiled gently at that as she felt herself start to lose conciousness. "Then I am lost, but only until someone discovers that I once existed. Then, and only then will I be born again. Until then, Sothis, my powers are yours." softly forming a light blue ball of magic in her hands.
Sothis nodded and took it, as the two boys settled in, all of them staying with Cherise until her breathing halted, and her body became completely still, no one noticing the darkness that started growing in Thales as they buried her. All of them wondering how long it would be until she was reborn.

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