chapter 2 the dreamer awakens

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Eshina jolted awake from her dream startling the young man from Sreng who visited her every so often. "Are you all right, is there danger?" He asked softly, hand on hilt of his sword.

She shook her head at that, knowing he was worried as bandits had been roving the Sreng/Faerghus border her house was near. "I'm fine, Leif. Just a bad dream." She reassures him. "Do you have news about the bandits?" She asked curiously.

He nodded. "A war's broken put across Fodlan between the three houses as well as the church, instigated by the emperor herself. It's not just here, but bandits everywhere are taking advantage of the situation." He said, clearly worried.

He then nodded. "My men and I can escort you to the town nearest the border if you need anything." Gently.

"I appreciate it, but only if it's just you. Faerghus doesn't need more trouble right now." She said firmly.

He sighed, removing his hat at that, revealing short black hair that was quite silky looking under it. "I'd best leave this here as well, lest they mistake me for a spy as well." He said grudgingly.

"Fair enough, might mistake you for a paid mercenary from  here, but that's better than being mistaken for a spy.” She said calmly.

He nodded, relieved. “Fair enough, how soon were you planning on leaving?”

“Soon As we've had breakfast. Yes, that includes you. You're not going to be able to fight well on an empty stomach.” She said gently.

Leif nodded. “If you insist.” Softly.
She nodded and started making breakfast, Knowing food had been getting harder for the people of Sreng to find, and the war and bandit raids had only made things harder for Them.

She only wished there was more she could do for all of them, not just the ones she considered friends. Still, she couldn't help but feel like things were going to continue to change, but couldn't tell if it was going to be for better or worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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