Every beginning is hard

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Deep in the earth many tunnels make their way underground. Many of them long forgotten. Usually a good place to hide away in. But today complaints could be heard coursing through the passages.

„This was the worst Idea you ever had, and that's saying nothing!"

As the footsteps continued, the echoes where devoid of a response. Treks mind was currently in a different place, thinking of all the ways this little escepade could end. Many of them didn't end pretty. He shook his head and tried to make out the ground with his little lantern.

„I mean, yeah, your ways to get away with way to high prices on the market are brilliant but this is a lost cause."

Siran grumpily stopped her complaining in front of the ladder and trap door they just reached. Collecting his nerve Trek climbed up and listened. Nothing. He slowly opened the door a little. Still Nothing. Looking around the muddy boy climbed out. Siran following suit driven by the thought of the riches awaiting her. Only to be disappointed by yet another corridor.

„Really," She groaned. „From one dirty tunnel to another! You'd think that in the damn rock castle was something worth stealing."

Trek let out a small chuckle. „Well, the accomodation for your thieving kind is in just these tunnels." He responded gesturing towards the many holding cells. Siran shot him a death glare ready to reataliate but was stopped by a „hey..." from one of the cells. Frozen to the spot Trek this time recieved a panicked look.

„Uhh, what are you doing here...?" The voice asked again. It sounded shrill and raspy at the same time.

Sirans mind was now in it's element, thinking up plausible excuses on the spot was something she had done many times before. „Oh, we we're just exploring this tunnel not knowing it would lead us here. We we're expecting a forgotten mine, not the rock castle."

Although she sometimes shoots herself in the leg.

„Yeah right, ... I don't believe that. Why are you here? Just... please tell me, these parts heve been long forgotten and i haven't talked to anyone since the last time i saw Xathor. And that was... a long time ago." At the last words the person seemed to choke a little.

Sirans mind was racing again, cursing herself for failing the first time.

But before she could open her mouth Trek spoke. „We are here to kill the Lord." Should he have said that? The question lingered in his head a while, since the voice didn't answer.

„My names Gredd by the way, and I can help you with That lil murder of yours."A Gormiti emerged from the shadows, almost the size of the two kids, but bulkier. As Gredd stood by the Bars just in reach of their lanters light, they could see that he was wearing a woolly pullover reaching the ground and a wool hat going over his eyes and nose. A chain of sorts tied around his waist. „And who might you be?"

„I'm Trek and this is Siran. Now how will you help us?" Gredd let out a satisfied hum. „That's the thing, i'll need your help first. You see, there has been a hole in these obsidian bars for a long time, but" Gredd quickly mumbled „theresalwysacatch" And continued „I'm also being held here by Titano and the knights. You see this?" He gestured towards his waist. „This chain is made of pure rock energy and it can be broken with the help of a wind shard from the elestar. I think you know what that is? Eh, you'll feel it and you'll know it." Gredds ongoing speech was interrupted by a very disoriented Siran.

„Wait, wait ,wait, you're talking about the elestar, you being held captive and you were heckin hard to see in the shadows." She made a small pause. „Are you a Darkan?"

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