chapter 1: after the storm.

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She hugs her legs to her chest she has half drawn herself, only half her face and hair visible.

"Lea go!"

Lea hears her voice; she left her there to rotten to death while she escaped.

"You thought I forgot?"

Lea's breath quickens; and her chest tightens as her vision gets blurrier.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she apologizes with her shaking tone, as she inserts her hands in her hair, as everything gets darker gradually.

"You are a monster!"

"You killed me!"

"No! No! I didn't kill no one, no!" Lea shouts in denial at the unknown's words, "I didn't! No, I didn't..." Lea's voice slowly fades with the silence and the only thing in sight is darkness.


"Lea! Wake up" A woman's voice, says caringly.

"Huh?" Lea says not comprehending anything of what happened, she opens her eyes leisurely to meet her mom's worried face.

She jumps recklessly into her arms, and her mother hugs her too, griping her tighter to her chest, making Lea burst out crying, feeling overwhelmed with everything happening so fast for her to understand.

"Calm down, my love, everything will be alright, breath for me, okay?" Angelina says, pulling Lea away from her chest, her hands still gripping her shoulders.

Lea nods weakly, as she closes her eyes trying to take a deep breath but it is hard, a lump inside her throat stopping her from getting air to her chest, and to not lie it's making her panic more.

"Honey, don't worry, just follow my chest movements." Angelina instructs again to her freaked-out daughter.

Lea sniffs, and gazes at her mom's blue eyes, gradually making her calm down, like a medicine; she tries again, taking a deep breath and exhaling it out, like that until she gets to a point, where she can breathe normally.

"Finish showering, wear your clothes, and come to the dining table, okay?" Her mom says kissing the top of her head, and leaving after Lea nods.

Just now, she notices that she is still in the bathtub.

She washes herself before drying up her hair and body, then she wears her pajamas.

She walks down the stairs, to find the table with a prepared breakfast, and it genuinely made her smile. She grabs a seat across her mother's one.

"Good morning," Her mother says kindly, as she gets out of the kitchen and sits in her seat.

"Morning, Mom" she replies in a weak audible voice, faking the cheerfulness.

"It was a hard night, wasn't it?" Angelina asks looking at her daughter with eyes full of sorrow.

"It for sure was" Lea replies with a sigh, trying not to recall anything of it. "I lost Sarah, only if I payed more atttention, only if I was stronger, she died because of me..." she confesses.

"Don't say that, you tried your best, Carlos told me everything." Her mother reassures.

'So he told her everything.' She thinks to herself before fighting back; she does not deserve affection, she is a monster, she killed her best friend and it does not matter how guilty she is, she did what she did.

"Even if, if only grabbed her body stronger, I could've at least burry her."

"No, you could not, even the strongest men may not grab the body of their love, and if something is written, we cannot change it, whatever happens." Her mother slaps her with reality.

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