After The After Party

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Jennie happily enjoyed the afterparty of the fashion event of her friend Simon and happily danced with Hyunji. She was thankful that Allison and especially Hyunji were protecting her from people trying to get close to or touch her.

Before they danced and went the party, they talked about everything, like the concert, the tour, the girls, and especially Lisa, who’s still sick since the start of the Europe tour, which made Jennie worry for her, and she admitted that she actually wanted to not go to the afterparty to take care of Lisa, but her girlfriend told her to go and enjoy herself, which she reluctantly did, but she had fun, but Lisa was still on her mind as she danced.

It was a few hours later that Jennie became terribly drunk, to the point where Simon decided that she should leave and rest. Hyunji joined Alison in wanting to help, and Simon stayed as he was obviously the host of this party. It wasn’t entirely hard to convince Jennie to go home as she did need to rest as she has to go to Germany again for the tour. The problem was that she’s very affectionate when drunk and was not letting go of her or Alison, who seemed used to this as they waited for the car.

Other than being an amusing affectionate drunk, Jennie also gets sleepy, so the two tried to find ways to get her awake so they could go to the car and walk, and Alison knew what to do; she just mentioned Lisa, and Jennie immediately was awake and started rambling that she missed her poopoo and other affectionate nicknames she uses for Lisa as they got in the car.

For Hyunji, she has only heard of Lisa through Jennie talking about her, showing a picture of her, and chatting with her through FaceTime, but they have never fully met until at the Christmas Market when she was looking and they accidentally bumped into one another and had a chat, and in there Lisa asked Hyunji to protect and take care of Jennie during the afterparty. Hyunji didn’t need to be told that since she will do that, but she thought it was very sweet of Lisa to ask her that. Then they arrived at the hotel, and to Hyunji’s surprise, someone was waiting for them in the hotel lobby. 

It was Jisoo who greeted them, seeing her all Hyunji could think is that Jisoo could have been a model or something if she wasn’t an idol or actress because of her beauty and was a bit confused on why she’s here, to which Alison explained that Jisoo won’t sleep until she knows one of the girls are home or ok, which is very sweet of Jisoo to do, Hyunji thought as she followed Jisoo, who was now being affectionately hugged by Jennie. And as they exited the elevator, they accidentally bumped into someone in the hallway on the floor they were on. 

It was Rosé, and she was holding fries and wasn’t that surprised to see them. “Chae, why do you have fries?” Jisoo asked her, “I wanted a midnight snack, unnie.” Rosé replied to her as Jennie let go of Jisoo to hug Rosé, who put her arms up to save her fries as she accepted the hug from Jennie. Rosé then spotted Hyunji and greeted her, and Hyunji thought she was really pretty and has heard from Jennie that she likes girls, but enough of that, she’s trying to help Jennie. She then watched as Rosé fed Jennie a fry and then fed Jisoo, who walked towards them, and it was for Hyunji a cute interaction between them.

Then they were able to get Jennie to let go of Rosé, and Alison was about to ask something, but Rosé answered, “Don’t worry, she’s still awake and waiting. I know this because I was in her room eating fries with her.” She tells them as she goes back to her room and closes the door. Then they walked again in the hallway as Jisoo went back to her room and passed by another room, confusing Hyunnji, but Alison replied, “Oh, she and Lisa have been sharing a room since the start of the tour,” she explained, and then she went to another room and knocked on the door, which opened.

It was Lisa who opened the door because she thought Rosé forgot something in her room till she saw them. Upon seeing them Lisa greeted the three of them and as she heard her voice Jennie then let go of Alison and excitedly hugged Lisa, calling her by the pet names and kissing her cheeks, which surprised Hyunji as she didn’t expect that “so she’s more affectionate with Lisa,” she thought, and saw Lisa was staring at her and did a small nod as a thank you as Hyunji nodded back and smiled, and Lisa closed the door. After that, Alison thanked Hyunji, who was leaving the hotel, and thought the two were cute as she entered the car that was waiting for her.

(inside the room)

It was Lisa’s turn to handle her very affectionate drunk girlfriend, who’ll be having a hangover when she wakes up. She’s used to this and knows how to handle her, so she asks her to go to the bathroom, telling her that she’ll help her clean up before she gets any ideas, as Jennie cutely giggles and asks her to give her a kiss first, which she does, and after that she then leads her to the bathroom as Jennie asks her about her health, making Lisa smile as she tells her she feels fine. 

As she helps Jennie remove her makeup, they chat about what happened at the party, even though Jennie was slurring with her words, Lisa knew what she was talking about because she saw the videos of that shown the party and was happy seeing Jennie having fun. As the clean up was over, Jennie went over to her and hugged her like a koala, making Lisa chuckle as she convinced Jennie to change into pajamas, which Jennie told her she should get a kiss first and Lisa complied but she should have known better because they started making out and it was getting heated, and sure, Lisa didn’t really mind it, but she would prefer they do it when Jennie is sober and not drunk and plus she’s still sick, so she pulled away, making Jennie whine, but Lisa then told her that they'd only continue if she was wearing her pajamas. Upon hearing that, Jennie agreed as Lisa helped her change and then led her to their bed.

As they lay down, Lisa knew Jennie would immediately fall asleep, as she knew how to handle drunk Jennie, who then starts asking for more cuddles, which she gives as their bodies molded perfectly together as Jennie snuggles in more. Lisa heard her slowly breathing as she was about to fall asleep and heard Jennie say that she wished she could have just cuddled Lisa instead of going to the afterparty, but Lisa disagrees telling her as it was a high time she’d enjoy herself and hang out with her friends and have fun, she says as she pulls her closer.

Jennie then looks up at her and softly smiles, and Lisa gives one back and then heard her say, “I love you,” to Lisa, who says it back as she watches Jennie slowly closing her eyes to sleep and kissing her temple, and starts thinking on how she will be taking care of Jennie with a hangover in the morning and was curious about the hangover cures in Paris, but right now Lisa doesn’t have to think about that. All she cares about right now is the peacefully sleeping woman in her arms, and that’s all that matters right now as she closes her eyes with a smile.

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