Chapter Sixteen

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When Scott arrived, the first thing he did was walk all the way to the little cottage in the woods to see if maybe, just maybe, he missed something there last time, or maybe something else was there. Just any reason to see that house. He didn't know why, but that house felt connected in a way.
Scott walked inside and into the biggest bedroom. There was a dresser, a bed, a small chair in the corner, a nightstand next to the bed, and a couple other small things.
Just as he was looking around, something caught his eye. Paper. There was paper sticking out of the top drawer of the dresser. He opened the drawer and sure enough, there it was. His reason to go back.
There were about 3-maybe 4 papers that were just covered in writing. He scanned through each page and realized that it was signed by James Lutz. They were letters for a girl named Mary.
"Who's Mary?" Scott thought to himself. Just as he was about to keep looking, he heard the bedroom door close. There was a small mirror behind the door in the corner. On the glass of it was written "It's not safe" in bold, red lettering.
Scott was freaked out before but now? He was practically peeing his pants. He grabbed the papers, ran down the stairs, back to the house. He got in his car and went home, hoping he could study the papers better there.

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