Chapter 10

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P- you think I'm your one in a million?
Br- yes pierson
P- *blushes*
Br- Andrew was right
P- about what?
Br- when you first came over he told me that I might actually like you and that maybe one day you'd be my soulmate
P- I think were already soulmates
Br- is this your way of asking me out
P- if you stop flirting with girls then yes
P- jeez no need to scream
Br- I'll do anything to be with you
P- I know you told me that already
Br- so what does this mean..
P- what do you want it to mean?
Br- I want us to be together
P- then that's it means
Br- so we're a couple now
P- yes my love you obviously aren't that smart
Br- shut-
P- don't even think about finishing that sentence
Br- fine but what do we tell the group
P- nothing
Br- what?
P- we should hide and when we're ready and I can fully believe you on the not flirting with other girls we can drop hints
Br- I can work with that
P- good now let's get back I still need to apologize to Lexi
Br- oh yea
*they go back to the other*
Lu- pierson I'm so sorry-
P- hey it's okay
Lu- you sure
P- ofc I'm sure
L- I didn't think you would be so chill about this
P- anyways lexi I'm sorry for yelling
LR- it's okay i shouldn't have been teasing you
P- I should tease you for liking Andrew
LR- *blushes* I don't like Andrew
Br- ewww you're blushing
P- brent stop I think it's cute that she likes Andrew
*skipping to when everyone goes home*
Pierson POV
I'm at home doing my skin care and blasting music when I hear the doorbell ring i wondered who it was and to my surprise Brent was standing at my door but i have no clue why
End of pov
P- hey..?
Br- hi
P- did you need anything?
Br- can I come in?
P- oh sure just don't be so loud Logan is asleep
Br- right
P- anyways what's up
Br- I don't know I just wanted to see you
P- really
Br- yea I guess I miss you
P- aww look at you being a lover boy
Br- shut up Lexi really had to say that
P- *giggles* I think it's funny
Br- of course you do
P- anyways I gotta finish my skin routine so let's go up to my room
Br- okay
*they go to piersons room*
Br- jeez why so many skin products
P- hey don't be mean and plus it's good for your skin
Br- yea yea
P- *rolls her eyes*
Br- did you just roll your eyes at me
P- what are you gonna do about it
Br- just wait and see
P- yea yea
*after piersons done with her skin care routine brent actually makes a move*
P- so what are you gonna do about it
Br- uhmmmm
P- *jumps and sits on the bathroom counter* see you aren't gonna do any-
Br- *kisses her*
P- *kisses back*
*they ended up making out for like five minutes*
P- *pulls away* well you did do something
Br- yea I did
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story also I'm going back to school in a couple of days so I might not update everyday but I till try my best to update as much as I can!!

Word count: 596

one in a million | brierson Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz