New encounter!

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The author finally continue writing again and yet, when he/she click publish. In the next morning... The book gained reads, votes, and it became #1.

The author was in shock and gasp that he/she couldn't believe it.

"Oh my gosh, I did it!."

The author tears was flowing nonstop, it was the bright morning and couldn't believe it. Even the book hasn't became real Hardcopy but she was excited and happy that everyone was paying attention on his/her work.

The books author was also... Gained feedback positive.

"Thanks author for publishing this!."

"I really love it!."

"It's informative!."

"Very nice."

And etc complements. It felt like the best days of author-chan.


The next morning, the authors book. Gained shout-out. The author quitely and quickly write his/her reply.

"Oh thank you so so much, I couldn't say anything more. Just glad, you appreciate it!."

Sincerely: BeautifulPersianTea

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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