Day 1 Introduction

192 6 2

3 days left to make profit quota
Quota 0/130

As the ship descends I'm overcome with a mix of feelings. Mostly just anxiousness and confusion. All of today feels like the only thing I can really remember. The ship lands and the doors open, allowing the the wind to blow the rain in. "Please exit the shuttle" an autonomous voice says over the speaker. Hesitantly I get off the ship and head towards the only light that is turned on. Underneath the spotlight there is another ship and 2 people there wearing what looks like orange hazmat suits. "Uh hey, I'm Malik one of them says as he reaches his hand out to shake mine.

"Y:N L:N" I say to Malik as I shake his hand and then shake the other guys hand. "Jakob Russ" he tells me. I give him a nod and take a few steps back. "Oh right uniform, so is mine on the ship there or do I have to go somewhere else to get it?" I ask them. "Yeah on the ship dude, it'll be a bag with your name on it" Malik tells me. "Thanks" I say to him before getting on the ship. Wow this thing really is just for going from point A to point B. I grab my bag and get changed into my suit, leaving my mask off for now though.

I walk out onto the back of the ship and see another one landing. That must be our last guy. I climb off the ship and go stand with the others as our last team mate walks towards. "Um, Hey, are you guys with Halden Electronics?" They ask nervously. There voice sounds so much like a females. This dude is gonna get annoying. "Yeah this is the company building and we all just started today so I'm guessing your our fourth" Jakob tells them. "Cool, sorry I'm late, I won't hold us up any longer" she tells us as she turns in my direction to start walking to the ship, which made me realise that it's actually a girl. Not just some dude with a high pitched voice.

Whoa. Holy Fuck. She is gorgeous. I am taken back by how beautiful she is that I just stand there, awkwardly starring at her as she walks past. She looks at me too as she walks past but quickly turns away and looks down as soon as our eyes meet. Enough of that. We're already ment to be working. We all walk into the ship and put our bags down beside the locker. We all stand around awkwardly for a minute, none of wanting to be the one to break the silence. "I guess we just go to a moon now?" Malik says as he walks over to the terminal at the front of the ship.

Not wanting this to be a weird silent team to work I also walk over to the terminal. Jakob must also have the same idea because he also walks over. "Ugh sooo, how do we do this?" Malik asks as he starts typing stuff in and then deleting in. "Yeah here, trying typing in moon" Jakob tells him as he holds a piece of paper in his hand. He types it in and it comes up with a list of moons. They start talking about the moon's and travel costs and mostly just left me out of it, choosing to keep the conversation going between themselves. I guess it somewhat makes sense. These two were here the longest, before the new girl and I got here anyways.

Talking about her though I wonder what she's doing. I turn around to see her looking around the ship by herself so I walk over to her. "Hey, what are you doing?" I ask her. She has her arms crossed and she turns around as if she's done something wrong. "Sorry I was just exploring the ship" she says to me apologetically. "Na it's fine, not much to explore though is there" I say to her. "No there isn't, I guess that was kind of stupid of me" she says before looking me up and down. "Everything okay?" I ask her. "Um, it's just that I didn't get a chance to change into my suit like yous and I don't know if it's the right time for me to" she tells me nervously.

"Oh shit I'm sorry, I didn't realise" I say to her. "Sorry I don't mean to be such a burden" she says to me quietly as she looks at the ground. I walk over to the locker and start pushing it 90° so it is sticking out from the wall. "You can get changed behind the locker" I tell her. She gives me a smile and thanks me before grabbing her bag and going behind the locker. "You're really not that good at rearranging stuff" Malik says to me jokingly. A give him a small laugh and look at the terminal. "We're going Experimentation?" I ask them. "Yep, no travel costs, no current weather conditions. Really just the best place for us to start" Jakob explains to me.

I give him a nod like I understand what he is saying but in reality I don't really know. Looking to the back of the ship though I see the new girl standing passively by the locker already changed. Did I forget her name or have none of us even asked yet? And 'new girl'? We're all new here. "Comfortable right" I say to her jokingly as I walk over to her. My tone must have been a bit off though due to her response. "Ohh um, yeah" she replies hesitantly. "I was joking, I know they kinda suck" I tell her. The look on her face is one of realisation and she starts nodding at me.

"I didn't ask your name before by the way" I tell her. She stands there for a bit before looking up at me. "It's Astrid. I didn't get told anyone's names either" she says to me. "Oh well I'm Y:N, that's Jakob and that's Malik" I tell her. She smiles and nods her head. "Well it's nice to meet you, and it'll be good to meet the other guys as well when they're free" Astrid says to me. "Looks like we got a bit till we land on the moon so we should probably rest up too while we wait" I tell her as I look over at the other two laying on the bunkbed. We walk over to the bunkbeds, seeing that the middle two have already been taken. "Which one do you want?" I ask Astrid. "Oh I don't mind you can choose" she says to me, which I'm starting to see that this is a response I may get alot from her. "Well I don't want you to practically sleep on the ground so you can have the top bunk" I tell her as I lay down on the lowest bed, still looking up at her. She looks down at be and smiles, this time though she seems to be genuinely happy.

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