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In the moment of indecision, the moment my finger should have pressed hard on the trigger, the voice in my head shouts again: Nada, don't!

Before I can react, there's a gun and a bang and something goes barreling into my throat and I fall backward and I can feel my eyes rolling up into my head. My thumb, so close to the trigger, goes limp.


At the same moment, down in the same room I had just left, Karim presses the button on his own remote.

He waits, eyes glued to the screen. He presses it again. And again and again.

"Curse the Jews!" he cries, standing up and throwing the remote on the ground, stamping it with his feet. He opens the same door I left from and runs up the same stairs I did.

He runs down the hall and just as he's pushing the door open, just as he sees me lying on the floor in a pool of my own blood, and just as he's about to shoot, he hears a ping, and he drops to the floor.

"Allahu Akbar," he groans, blood streaming from his chest.

One Small Miracle In GazaWhere stories live. Discover now