one | the boomster

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rue entered the establishment, drawing the attention of some, but she did not pay them any attention.

she was tired and upset. not a good combination.

she knew the marines knew who she was, but luckily for her their attention were in another person. a moss-haired man with a bag with a head protruding. a little disgusting in her opinion but who was she to criticize where people put the heads of those they killed?

rue's eyes met the moss-haired man's eyes for a moment.

he stared at her while she raised an eyebrow at him. after a few moments she looked away and asked the woman at the establishment for a glass of orange juice.

she wasn't going to lie, but the green-haired guy had a somewhat intimidating aura. she doesn't remember seeing him in this town, so it wasn't likely that he knew about her. and for him to know her from anywhere else was almost impossible.

the green-haired man stopped analyzing her when a girl stood in front of him with a plate in her hands.

rue zone out while drinking, glancing to see which of the marines there had a key she specifically needed. you see she needed to go to axe-hand's office and she overheard that morning that one of the lowest ranking marine have the key of his office 'cause he grab the wrong keychan.

as she looked around the entire place, she saw new faces that she had not seen before. they were probably just passing through, she thought, from the looks of them they didn't look like they were going to stay in that place for long.

just when she saw a man with a keychain on his belt, with the key she was looking for, the sound of a plate breaking made her look at the girl and the blonde marine with a horrible haircut.

"you stupid, stupid girl" the man in a suit scolded the younger girl. "why don't you watch where you're going?" he pressed her rice ball with his foot.

rue rolled her eyes in annoyance, she was going to punch him in his stupid face or maybe something more elaborated than that, which would definitely hurt him more than a punch.

"rika, apologize to our guest"

"i'm━i'm so sorry"

"i'm s━so sorry!" he mocked her, "next time, i won't be so nice" he stopped seeing the girl and in a brief moment he saw rue, but before he could go towards her a voice stopped his steps.

"you dropped my food" the moss-haired man said, attracting the others attention as he kneeled down and ate some of the squashed food.

rue looked at him in disgust. not by eating something trampled on, she had eaten worse things, but trampled by that stupid marine, she could never.

"Mmm. Delicious" he said, making the girl smile a bit. he stood up with the other rice ball on the plate, placing it in the counter. "now you eat one."

the marine laughed. 

"and apologize to the girl." he added.

the other stopped laughing and step closer "do you know who i am?"

the moss-haired man looked him up and down before he answer "a shithead marine with a bad haircut". the marine grew angry and bring his sword out. "i wouldn't do that".

"oh, come on, though boy. three swords?" the other laughed as he egged him on. "i only need one."

rue looked at him somewhat impressed by how stupid the blonde was.

the swordsman took a moment before answering "okay. but it's going to hurt."

when he knocked down the marine the others who were there approached the green-haired man. rue saw it as the perfect time to take the keys from the marine from earlier, who was slowly approaching the swordsman.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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