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Ji Yeon-hee, a fourteen year old girl, sprinted around the corner, eager to get out of the freezing, winter weather. Pulling her scarf tighter, she clutched her bag close.
Almost home, she thought, almost there...
Skidding to a stop, she noticed a alleyway- one she frequently went through with her best friend, Gaeun. She noticed the sky darkening, and, even though her better judgment told her not to, she turned into the alley.

The deserted alleyway seemed safe enough in her opinion; there were only a few piles of trash and a dirty street bum under a makeshift cardboard shelter, swaddled in layers of grubby clothing. Definitely no worry to her.
Unfortunately, as she turned around a corner, a large and calloused hand clasped over her mouth. A second hand circled around her abdomen. fighting against the person, she struggled, managing to free her mouth.
Quickly, she screamed out, "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!"
The grasp was quickly gripped around her mouth, and the man spoke harshly in her ear, "Be quiet! Keep your mouth shut or I'll rip your fucking tongue out!"
Tears silently streamed down Yeon-Hee's face as she felt the man rip away her thick parka.
Then, just as she thought she was done for, the man went limp. Falling head first, the man dropped to the ground. Yeon-Hee scrambled away from his fallen form, and turned to see her saviour.
A girl, who looked a few years older than her, stood panting, a plank of wood still held aloft. Her hair was long and scraggly, hanging limp and greasy in curtains around her face. Her eyes were not visibly coloured in the dim evening light, but were obviously wide and upturned at the corners. She was slight in size, a skinny girl, swamped in several layers of shirts and jackets, and a thick pair of jeans. Gloves full of holes were slipped over her hands. She wore no shoes.
Dropping the plank, she stepped towards Yeon-Hee, "miss? Miss are you okay?"
Still shell shocked, Yeon-Hee stayed in silence.
Reaching out a hand, the girl comfortingly placed a hand on Yeon-Hee's shoulder, "hey, I'm going to take you home, okay? Can you show me where you live?"
Nodding, Yeon-Hee allowed the girl to lead her out the alleyway, and allowed the girl to lead her home.

When they reached the door to the surprisingly large house, the girl knocked sharply on the door.
"Hello?! Anyone home?!"
After a few seconds of rapping on the door, a woman in her late thirties opened the door. She looked disgruntled, and rather annoyed, until she saw the look of terror and shock on her daughter's face. The woman immediately looked concerned.
Before she could open her mouth, the street child spoke, "Ma'am? She- she was attacked. I think she needs to sit down."
Nodding, the woman opened the door, allowing the girl to lead Yeon-Hee inside.

Setting Yeon-Hee down on the couch, the girl turned to leave, but was quickly stopped by the mother, who sat her down at a table in the room next door.
"What happened?!" She demanded, staring the young girl down.
Shifting uncomfortably in the wooden seat, the scruffy girl answered, " I.. I heard a scream for help from around the alleyway, and.. And I couldn't ignore it. I ran and helped her get away from the man who was holding her. I hit him with a plank...."
The woman scrutinised the girl, "You saved my daughter?" At the nod of confirmation, she continued, "I am grateful. Who knows what would have happened to Yeon-Hee if you were not there."
The girl looked up, "Yeon-Hee? That's a nice name... A-and anyways I had to help her! It-it would have been against my morals if I didn't!"
There was silence for a minute, before Yeon-Hee's mother spoke, "what is your name? How old are you?"
The girl looked up in confusion, "I... I'm fourteen, ma'am, and my name is Dae-Jin."
"Only fourteen?!" The woman looked shocked, "You're so young to be on the streets."
Dae-Jin stared at the floor, "It's fine. I've been on the streets for four years, ma'am."
She looked surprised, "what? You must have been only a child!"
Dae-Jin nodded, "I'd only just turned ten. Mama kicked me out on my birthday. She said I ruined the family."

Silence, once again, ran through the room, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Reaching across the table, Yeon-Hee's mother clasped Dae-Jin's grubby hands in her own, "if you don't mind me asking, dear, why did she kick you out?"
"I refused to give away my life of freedom to a life of servitude," Dae-Jin uttered, "Papa walked out on us when I was four. Mama turned on hard times- she started to gamble, and getting drunk each night. The night before my birthday, a... a man came to the door. He wore a fancy suit, and had a proper brief case- all soft and fancy leather, it was," tears started to well in her eyes,"Mama seemed delighted to see him, and told me to put my baby brother to bed. After I did so, I went back downstairs, to see mama signing an agreement. She was signing away me. She told me to sit down. It's for the best, she insisted, it's your duty to do this for the family. She was giving me away to a strange man as a servant so as to pay off her debt to him. She...she told me that I had to do it. But I refused, I would not do it. And I told her as much. She..." Dae-Jin trailed off, looking up to the pitying eyes of Yeon-Hee's mother, "she slapped me. She told me I had to. When I refused further, the fancy man sighed and stood up. A unwilling servant would just be trouble, he said, and he left. Man was furious, and yanked me by my hair. She threw me out the door and told me to never come back. I remember her exact words," Dae-Jin gazed at the ground,"You are worthless. Never cross the threshold of this home again. It is no longer your home, and never will be. You are not of this family, Dae-Jin."
Jerking her head up abruptly, Dae-Jin scrambled out the chair,"I...I apologise for plaguing you with my problems, ma'am! I should go now."
Just as she turned to go, a hand clasped over her shoulder.
"No. You are not going back out there. It will snow later; you will catch your death out there. Stay here, for the night at the very least."
Dae-Jin faltered slightly, "I..."
"Just for the night. For saving my daughter," Yeon-Hee's mother insisted, "please."
"I ... I guess. Just for the night," Dae-Jin relented.
Yeon-Hee's mother smiled,"follow me."

Leading Dae-Jin upstairs, Yeon-Hee's mother introduced herself as Ji Hee-Jung. When they reached the bathroom, Mrs Ji turned on the shower, before turning to Dae-Jin.
"I'll be back with some fresh clothing. Please get washed, you will feel better after," Mrs Ji spoke, "I'll be back soon."
Nodding, Dae-Jin turned to the shower as Mrs Ji left the room. Quickly undressing from the layers of clothing, and after placing her valuables on the windowsill, she inspected herself in the full length mirror.
Too skinny to be healthy, definitely sure. Her entire body was covered in layers of grime, and bruises and scars showed off the hardships that she suffered.
Shaking her head, she quickly stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain close, a gasp of joy escaping her lips at the warm water. Scrubbing her head with the shampoo and conditioner provided. Using the flannel, she washed away the years of grime off of her. She heard the door open and close after a moment. As soon as the door shut, she exited the shower, seeing the pile of her old grungy clothes gone, and a neater pile of clean clothes in their place.
Quickly dressing, she then looked with admiration at her reflection in the mirror.
Her hair was already looking better, more lively and clean, the reddish brown visible without the grime. Her eyes seemed to stand out, their brown colour shining like Amber.
The pyjama shirt was white with black spots, and long sleeved, buttoning up the centre with black buttons. The pants were long, with the same pattern. Using the towel, she quickly wrapped up her hair, before sliding on the thick cotton socks. Quickly placing her valuables in the pocket of the shirt (an old penny, and a green and gold compact mirror), she quietly left the room, going back down the stairs.

Slipping into the living room, she saw Mrs Ji putting blankets and a pillow on the couch. When Mrs Ji noticed she was there, she smiled at her.
"You look better already, Dae-Jin. Come here."
Silently, Dae-Jin did as she said, sitting on the couch with Mrs Ji.
"How do you feel, Dae-Jin?" Mrs Ji implored.
Nodding, Dae-Jin mumbled in return, facing the ground, "I'm fine, ma'am. Thank you."
"Good, here, let me," Mrs Ji spoke, quickly unwinding the towel from Dae-Jin's hair, combing through the wet locks with her fingers.
Swiftly, Mrs Ji french braided Dae-Jin's hair, securing the bottom with a hair tie.
Mrs Ji smiled faintly at Dae-Jin,"there. That will keep your hair neat. Now please, rest. I will talk to you in the morning."
Nodding, Dae-Jin lay down on the couch, pulling the blanket tight around her. Sleep hit her almost instantaneously, and she was out like a light.

The next morning, Dae-Jin woke up to the sight of a six or seven year old boy poking her. He was a skinny kid, with a head of thick black hair cut in a neat bowl cut-like style.
Still dazed from her sleep- the best rest she'd had in years- she just muttered in confusion, "huh?"
The kid just grabbed her by the hand, tugging her up and off the sofa. Pulling her into the kitchen, where Mrs Ji and Yeon-Hee sat, he let go of her and say at the table, next to his mother.
Mrs Ji gestured for her to sit down, and she quickly slid into the wooden chair next to Yeon-Hee.
As soon as she was sat, Mrs Ji cleared her throat, "Dae-Jin, did you sleep well?"
Best night of sleep in the last four years, Dae-Jin thought, before quietly speaking, " Yes ma'am, I slept pleasantly. Thank you for asking."
Mrs Ji nodded, "Good. Now, I have been talking to my children, and we have decided to ask you something as a family."
Giving Mrs Ji a curious glance, Dae-Jin spoke, "Yes, ma'am?"
"Dae-Jin, you have no where to go, correct? No family- no one to return to?"
"No ma'am," Dae-Jin murmured in return,"no one."
Sitting up straighter, Mrs Ji looked Dae-Jin directly in the eye, "Dae-Jin, stay here," noticing her confused and shocked expression, she added," live here with us. Here, you can have a better life; Better food, better opportunities- a family."
Dae-Jin hesitated, "I... I don't know...."
"Dae-Jin you saved my daughter. There is no way I could ever thank you, except this. Please."
Dae-Jin stayed quiet.
Yeon-Hee spoke up, smiling at Dae-Jin, "Dae-Jin, mom won't take no for an answer. It'll be easier if you just say yes."
"I.... I would not want to intrude. I would hate to be a burden..."
"You won't be a burden! You seem like a good person! You shouldn't be on the streets!" Yeon-Hee protested, dismissing Dae-Jin's thoughts.
"I... I guess it would be nice to have a proper place to stay," Dae-Jin murmured, contemplating the offer, "I accept, bu-but only if I won't be a burden to you!"
Mrs hi gave a faint smile, "you would never be a burden. Welcome to the family, Ji Dae-Jin."

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