Chapter 8: They fix everything

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Simon's POV

Well as expected Lee went ballistic when I got home, a lot of fuss and asking me what happened he eventually gave in and let me go lay down. I was off school for the rest of the week as I rested and let my bruises heal, Robert came round each day with notes from my classes which I'm grateful for so I can keep up. While waiting I have been playing way more than usual, finishing off the dock and starting making the needed blocks for the other sides dock near the mining colony.

Saturday my mum and Lee agreed I was well enough to go out, my face still had a bit of a bruise left and well my chest was still covered but they didn't hurt that much, so I decided I needed to do something for me like my counsellor said I should do when I feel like this. That's how I find myself outside the animal shelter that Jess works at, she was kind enough to convince the staff a while ago to let me volunteer from time to time to keep my mental side calm. As I enter I see Rachel the nurse in charge I guess today speaking on the phone, she gives me a smile putting her finger up to make me wait while she finished up.

Rachel is a middle aged woman her brown hair tied back with her hair clip, her uniform covered in marks and dirt from working on some animal in the shelter. Putting the phone down she made some quick notes before coming round to me "morning Simon bit early for your usual session" she looks me over shaking her head "those boys causing you trouble again?" I just nod my head Rachel like most of the staff knows my issues and help where they can. "Well can you help us out with our newest residents?" She had a gleam in her eye as she said it and I knew I was going to have my hands full.

Four hours later I am exhausted, they had a full litter of puppies dumped outside last night and the little ones had me running around all over the play room trying to keep track of them and feed them at the right time which was no easy feat. Jess joined me a bit ago just as I was putting the first puppy to bed after clocking out, as I looked to Jess who was checking on each puppy in turn "looks like you wiped them out but they look content and have full bellies" she smirked to me as she closed their cage for the afternoon until their next meal. "I I tried to make sure they all got their fair  s..share" I mumbled as I took of the overall I was wearing turning the hot water on to wash my hands. "Robert and James have both being worrying about you maybe you should message them at some point I think they would like to make sure your good" Jess suggested with a pointed look as I just smiled "but not Adam .. what a friend".

Jess slapped the back of my head "he is worried too but I messaged him earlier" I rub the back of my head, if anyone else did that I'd be a mess but I've gotten better with physical contact with my friends .. 'is James a friend now?' "I'll message James but Robert seen me every day so he is just worrying like usual" I mutter as Jess laughs "yeah that boy is a mother hen sometimes" Jess gives Rachel a wave as we leave I just meekly give her a nod. "Soooo I just wondered if you had your eye on anyone there's a dance coming and be cool to triple date think Robert is gonna ask Gemma from his Georgraphy class" I give Jess a look before just sighing "nope no I don't why not ask James sure he must have a harem forming by now trying to get into his pants" I giggle a little a squirming feeling in my gut I don't know what it means as I try to suppress it. "Yes he seems like a mystery that guy I knew three girls so far have asked him out one even pretty much throwing herself at him and nope nothing".

I just shake my head, if I was like him I'd take every chance I got, well not with girls but hell must be some boys that wanna experiment, Jess gives me a look of concern "Simon I know it's hard you have done so well the last year or so but I want you to be happy and have someone close to you .. closer than we can be as your friends" Jess pulls me into a loose hug before whispering "there's a few girls I've seen checking you out if you want I can point them out to you" pulling away she gave me a quick kiss to the cheek before turning to leave as I stand there watching as she walks away a little blush from on my face as I head in and head to my computer logging on to find Mystic the only one on.

Rabbit: Hey Mys you good?
Mystic: Yeah man just hit a nice seam of diamonds got a lot of rocks for you too
Rabbit: sweet, been a long day so may just half sleep while my furnaces do their work
Rabbit: could you hit the lava farm my supply is almost out?

I go through my chests seeing my lava box is empty and my furnaces running though the iron backlog.

Mystic: yeah I will go on my way back thanks for setup up a relay from the dock does save me going through town. How was your day?
Rabbit: no prob took a bit to set up but got it there in the end, and I got to play with 6 puppies all morning.
Mystic: very nice I been playing all day been kinda distracted by this boy in my school
Rabbit: distracted how?

I sit back in my chair feeling a bit sore as I look round my room for my pain and anxiety medication.

Mystic: oh he is just a cute guy that keeps making me wanna ask him out
Rabbit: why don't you?
Mystic: he is soo shy and anxious I don't wanna stress him out
Rabbit: I get you not sure how I'd deal with a guy asking me out and I'm gay lol
Mystic: yeah so I'll just keep admiring him from afar

Mystic and I keep playing until I am called for dinner not saying anymore to each other. I don't want to go to school Monday but I know I have to.

Author's note: puppies just have a way of healing everything, compared to last chapter this one felt so much easier to write, it's a filler I promise things will start happening soon tho I won't promise they are all good and fluffy.

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