Chapter 2: i just care

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A/N: yippee!! yahoo!! chapter two!! the urge to add a bunch of emojis in my story is strong but i don't wanna take away from the drama because emojis just look funny and i like being funny but this isn't a comedy 😩


"-Do you wanna head up to our room now? I know you need the rest for sure..." Kagiura looked over at Hirano slowly, "Yeah... let's go..."

Hirano stood up and motioned his hand out for Kagiura to grab. But since Kagiura is left handed, which is the wrist he broke, he raised his left hand out of habit for Hirano to grab. Hirano looked at him for a second, "... Other hand Kagi..." Kagiura had to process the situation for a second, "... oh-" He switch hands and Hirano helped him up. "Don't stand up too fast. you look like you might pass out..." Kagiura replied impulsively, "Yeah i feel like i might pass out...... Well no- I'm just- Sorry i was joking- I don't know let's just go-" Hirano shot him a concerned yet questioning look "Riiight... come on."

Hiranos arm was around Kagis torso, Kagis free arm was around Hiranos shoulders. Hirano swung the door open with his free hand and motioned Kagiura to walk in first, still holding onto him. Kagiura just about tripped on the door way, but not enough to fall over. "Woah are you okay? Please be careful Kagi..." "I'm fine Hirano, let's go."

They made it over to the stairway and Kagiura was about ready to give up, "UGHH i forgot about the staaiiirrrssss" he whined. Hirano sighed, "Yeah i know... If the elevator worked i would gladly take you to it but it doesn't. You can do this Kagi, it's only one flight." That small cheer from Hirano was enough to get Kagiura going. Up the stairs they went.

Aaand down Kagiura collapses about halfway up... not down the stairs, no he just knelt down what felt like in slow motion. Hirano grabbed his arm so he wouldn't ACTUALLY fall down the stairs and knelt down next to him, "Are you okay Kagi..?" Hirano is still very concerned. His concered hasn't left his body ever since Kagiura hit the floor in the gym. "Mhm." Kagiura breathed for a few seconds and proceeded to crawl up the stairs. He really wanted his bed. Me too Kagiura. Hirano however was a little stunned. "What are you-" 'Ah well i guess if it gets him up the stairs...'

Kagiura finally made it to the top of the staircase and sat there. "Are you ready to keep going Kagi?" Hirano asked. "Just a minute..." Kagiura sighed. Both Hirano and Kagiura wanted nothing more than for Kagiura to finally go to bed. 'hhhhh i wanna lay down...' 'He really needs to lay down and rest...'

After a couple of minutes Hirano finally got up and held his hand out, "Okay Kagi, we should really get going now, it's just down the hall." Kagiura took Hiranos offer and grabbed his hand to stand up. They walked slowly but steadily down the hall and finally made it to their door which Hirano swung open. Kagiura walked in first and after about 3 steps in that's when it clicked in his brain that he was finally back 'home' and all that emotion he was toughing out earlier? downpour.

Kagiura teared up, lip quivering, hands shaking and turned around to face Hirano who was closing the door. Kagiura tried biting his lip to stop the quivering but that didn't really work. Hirano turned around "Okay Kagi g- WHATS WRONG??" He knew that face well, it's the same face he made after losing that one game but worse.

Kagiura couldn't speak. If he did he would start sobbing, which he was about to do anyway. You're already tearing up Kagiura just let it out. "Kagi..?" Hirano questioned again. And now Kagiura was sobbing. There it is. Finally. And without a second thought, Hirano walked up to him and hugged him. 'is this okay? will Kagi think i'm acting weird-' Kagiura was quick to wrap his arms back around Hirano and squeeze him. He had to cherish this. But out of habit, Kagiura started counting, remembering his former deal with Hirano. "Kagi... You don't need to count for this..." Kagiura was surprised to say the least but he wasn't about to question or complain anything. "okay..." He said quietly.

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