Unexpectedly swell!

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Mephone woke up at, 12-ish? He wasn't really one to pay attention to the time. He sat up rubbing his eyes as he yawned.
He made the same clothes he usually wears appear, after getting dressed, he runs his hands through and shakes his hair, not really caring to brush it.
Noticing how hungry he was, he made up some Spring Tastic cereal! his favourite. As he ate he scrolled through the internet.
A normal day for Mephone4
As he was sitting around he remembered "Oj!" Mephone sat up, hoping he hadn't been to late! He rushed out of the cave. As he arrived, he realized.
They never set a time to show up. Mephone sat down under the HUGE tree. Deciding just to wait. He wondered why he was even here? why was he doing this? he's never cared about any of the contestants before...maybe..he's so great that Oj wants to be friends with him! prehaps.. but why does he always feel so weird when he's around Oj? Mephones face slightly flushed at the thought of him. He decided to take a nap.

(like 30 mins after Mephone arrived)

Oj strolled up the hill wondering if Mephone had already arrived or not. He wondered why he was being so friendly with the phone. I mean, Oj never really talked to him before. And to be honest he was used to Mephone being a jerk most of the time, so why did he seem...different?
Oj's thought came to a halt as he came accross a sleeping Mephone. His screen was dim but you could still see his face, his screen flickered as he lightly snored. Oj smiled as he sat down next to the phone. "Typical" Oj thought, he wondered how long he'd been waiting.
Oj, being lost in thought didn't notice he had been staring.

Mephone's screen flickered on gaining Oj's attention. "Morning sleeping beauty, sleep well?" Oj joked. Mephone jolted abit at Oj's sudden appearance
"When did you get here?" The phone questioned while yawning "A few minutes ago, you?" Mephone checked the time "Uh, about 30? minutes ago?"
"Ah" Oj replied.

/ . . . /

To be honest, the two of them hadn't put much thought into this.
"So what have you been up to latley?" Oj asked braking the silence "Me? uh not to much" Mephone looked to his side "What about season2?" Oj questioned
"What about it?" Mephone replied, rather suprised! not expecting him to talk about II. He actually thought he hated it somewhat.
"Well i mean, i noticed nothings been going on with it. Did something happen?" Oj looked at the phone, making eye contact
"I-uh no its just on haiatus at the moment. Alot happened ya'know?" Mephone said sheepishly shrugging "Ah i see" Oj said, finally gazing away. As he did Mephone let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Oj seemed to make him do weird things like; heat up, feel anxious and or nervous around him, the weird swirling pit in his stomach, stutter like ALOT! He trys to act cool around him but its been growing? He doesn't really know..
Mephone put a hand on his cheek, remembering Oj's touch. it felt weird for sure, but also nice in a way? he couldn't put it into words.

Oj looked at the phone, he had his eyes closed while cupping his left cheek. Oj couldn't help but smile at the sight. The juice didn't know why, but Mephone felt more at peace? Oj wouldn't mind hanging around him longer...Mephone was mean at times sure, but Oj was sure that was mainly a facade. For the show maybe? he wouldn't know. Its kinda weird to think of it. The super annoying show host, being not hateable, but a sugarcoated sweetpea, atleast that's what Oj's mom would say.

"Hey Mephone?" "Yea?" Mephone answered, opening his eyes as he put his hand in his lap "Wanna walk for abit?" Oj questioned smiling
"Oh uh i would but, what if the contestants see us?" "Hm.. i guess that would be kinda weird" Oj put his finger to his chin in thought.
Mephone just stared, he felt bad for saying anything, but then again, he didn't want the contestants to see him in general. Nevermind with Oj!
The thought warmed the phone... "Maybe we could go away from the Hotel?" Oj turned to gauge Mephones reaction "Are you sure??"
"Yeah! i mean, shouldn't we find more places away from the hotel, if were gonna hang around eachother more?" Oj felt his face warm up abit at his statement. "Well, o-okay" Mephone smiled awkwardly at the juice. As Oj and Mephone headed down the mountain the two kept an eye out.
Oj rememberd on mondays they usually have a gaming tournament to quote "Get rid of the monday blues" or something.
"Ok, they should all be in the lobby at the moment." "Okay, so?" "Were gonna run over to that lemon tree so that hopefully they dont see us!"

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