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It was the first day back at school after Spring break, and Elise Grey was more than happy to sit in her classroom looking at the work she had prepared for her classes that day.

She had always loved the idea of becoming a teacher and was grateful that every day, she could teach a child something new.

Elise had always been fascinated by history and had fond memories of begging her mother and father to take her to the library to read books about World History. Anything historic drew her to the point she would spend hours reading. She would stay up late with only a flashlight to guide her through the pages of the many books she read.

Her favourite topic had always been Ancient Greek and Egyptian History. She just wished the students in the school had the same enthusiasm she did.

It was almost 3 pm, and her lesson with a first-year class had been abysmal. And for the first time in her career, she couldn't wait for the school day to be over.

They had arrived at class bickering and arguing with each other. She had initially settled them down for the first fifteen minutes, but one student decided to shout, "Carl's Mom is a whore."

She had attempted to shut down the nonsense immediately, but the student the comment was aimed at had risen from his seat and punched the other child in the nose.

Now, she sat at her desk, staring at the shocked students who had immediately silenced when the Principal had to be called to the classroom.

Both students were removed from the classroom, but she no longer had the energy to continue teaching and informed the students that if they had any homework from previous classes, they would start it now.

"Miss Grey," a voice called her name from the door of her classroom.

She turned her head to see Principal Hawthorne.

Principal Michonne Hawthorn was an incredible woman, strong-willed and determined to make sure each and every student was given a fair and equal opportunity.

Elise knew this meant that the Principal did everything in her power not to have to suspend a student. While she understood the notion, she had been shaken up by the incident in her classroom and worried that more would occur between Carl Grimes and the other boy, Ron Anderson.

"Yes," Elise replied.

Principal Hawthorne gestured for Elise to come to the door. Presumably, so the other students didn't listen in to their conversation.

"I have the boy's mother's on their way to discuss the incident. I have your report, but you're welcome to sit in if you have anything to add to the discussion."

Elise shook her head, "no, it's okay. Everything you and their parents need to know is written in the report. I'm sure this was just a first-day blip," she replied optimistically.

Principal Hawthorn smiled and nodded,  "No problem, I'll get this sorted, and I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day."


Tomorrow had been a better day, but the following week, Elise found herself enduring the same situation again.

Elise was trying to explain her expectations for the rest of the semester before summer break, and the class moved on to their next year. It was important that all the students listened to ensure they were aware of where they needed to be by the end of the semester so they wouldn't fall behind during the following school year.

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