Echoes Of Serenity

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Oh.., let the hush fill my heart amidst affliction,
In moments of bliss when melancholy descends.
Silence, may it reside deep within my heart.

Amidst the song of the hungry echoing at twilight's bend.

In the face of temptations, when decadence entices,
And the death knell tolls with innuendos abound.

Oh, let my heart embrace the quietude,
When thoughts of lust and vainglory surround.

Amidst desolation and the allure of vulgarity,
I cannot help but yearn for tranquil existence.

When the shadows of negativity consume me,
Grant me nature's boundless, creative essence.

In this tumultuous journey, cast me as an unwavering vessel,
Where your blessings flow ceaselessly... Never ebbs

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