BAKA - Highschool!Skibidi Toilet x Tsundere!Reader 😳

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It was a normal day at Skibidi High, which was, most of the time, quite the opposite of normal...

It was first period for the students. They were all talking to each other, playing games, etc... Except one student.

Their name was [First Name]. They were, arguably, the most hardworking student there. They had no time for games, and was always on top of things. They had [Skin Color]-colored skin, beautiful [Eye Color] eyes, and [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair. If they weren't hot as fuck, everyone would most definitely bully them...

On the contrary, there was a certain student crushing on them... Someone... Way cooler than them.

That someone was none other than the bad boy of this school: Skibidi Toilet.

Skibidi Toilet had cute blue eyes and lovely dark brown hair. Everybody an the school— besides [Name]— was absolutely in love with him. He was quite the heartthrob.

One cold and rainy day, [Name] sat on a lonely bench, isolated from the others, getting absolutely soaked in the rain...

Skibidi Toilet couldn't just sit there, letting [Name] get drenched. He was supposed to make [Name] wet, not the rain!!!

Skibidi Toilet slid next to [Name] on the bench they were sitting on. He held out his umbrella for [Name], causing them to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Ugh, what do YOU want? 🙄" [Name] said, rolling their eyes aesthetically.

"Skibidi bop bop yes yes." Skibidi replied with a charming smile, causing [Name] to blush slightly 😳.

"S-stop it! You baka!! 😖" [Name] playfully pushed Skibidi aside, making him chuckle.

Skibidi knew what to do now. He remembered, prom was coming up. Many people asked him out, but he rejected all of them... He wanted [Name], not any of his side hoes...

"Skibidi bop bop... Yes yes?" He asked [Name].

"Ugh... FINE, YOU BAKA!" They say with a giggle, reaching out for his hand.

"Skibidi bop bop." He stood up with [Name] and happily walked away with them.

The End

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