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FIVE — Mayfair.

Jason was looking worse for the wear

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Jason was looking worse for the wear.

May hated it, seeing him like this. Jason was supposed to be the long-lost Roman praetor, the son of Jupiter, raised by freaking wolves; practically immune to worldly things like bricks. But the gash just above his eyebrow said otherwise.

Before the rest of the crew had left to find materials, Theo had stitched him up as best she could. For a daughter of Apollo, she was, frankly, ridiculously incompetent when it came to medicine. May had met some of her Cabinet Seven siblings back at camp that could heal a skinned knee better than Theo. She couldn't even tell if Jason would wake ever up.

Jason's face was so pale, he might've actually been dead. May remembered the awful sound of that brick hitting his forehead—an injury that had happened only because he'd tried to shield her from the Romans.

Even with the nectar and ambrosia they'd managed to force-feed him, Theo said they couldn't be sure he would be okay when he woke up. That worried May most of all, the thought of if he'd lost his memories again.

When he woke up on the bus with her, Leo, and Piper all those months ago, May had seen right through the Mist and called him out for the liar he was (though, in hindsight, he hadn't really lied about anything—he was just as confused as May had been). Eventually, when a very whiney Theo and her brother Will came to collect them at the Grand Canyon, Piper and Leo saw through the Mist, too, and came to the conclusion that Jason had never been apart of their group at the Wilderness School. May wanted to scream I told you so! but she withheld.

But that wasn't the end of it. Will explained the cause of Theo's little hissy fit was not just because she's a drama queen, but because her boyfriend, this guy named Percy Jackson, had gone missing and she was beside herself trying to find him. That, at least, May could understand. She tried to sympathize with Theo, but it only ended in scathing comments from both ends and a mutual disliking of each other that ran deeper than anyone could try to fix.

Fortunately, Theo didn't accompany them on their quest. Unfortunately, Piper didn't, either. Chiron, the mentor of Camp Half-Blood—who, by the way, was a freaking centaur—told Jason that he could only have two questmates tag along with him. Piper and Mayfair had argued over who would stay behind, because Piper had been Jason's Mist-appointed girlfriend; but she pointed out that May was the smartest of the four of them and Jason and Leo would've been walking circles without her. In the end, Piper stayed behind, and May had to admit that there were times when she thought Jason and Leo would've died without her.

But they were her best friends; Leo, because they'd known each other for so long now—middle school together had been their closest bonding experience (nobody survives it alone, especially not two people as geeky as Leo and Mayfair); and Jason, because he and May grew inexplicably close over the course of their quest.

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