Path to Tokyo

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" What exactly, did you do?", asked Yoshika. " I 'kind of' looked into an archive of 

'past' Saints, and found this one 'easy' spell I built upon, and 'opened' a way back 

and forth to Tokyo.", said Sei. " YOU BAKA! WHAT YOU DID, COULD BE DANGEROUS. 


FROM YOUR SPELL. Does the term, 'Cybermen', mean anything?", replied Yoshika.

Everyone, was gathered at the lower 'area' of the Tardis interior. 

" Tell me, of 'Fuso'.", said Yuri Drewes, in his attempt to 'flirt' with Sakamoto. 

Yoshika, went to meet up, with the others. " I finished up my 'examination' of 

Takanashi - san. Now, to compile my data." As, Yoshika, typed way, Prince Kyle moved. 

" Whoever you are, BACK OFF, BEFORE I MAKE YOU, A POLAR BEAR 'SNACK'!", said

Yoshika. She seen the results, turned to the others, especially the two remaining 

'native' women. "The Blonde...," " Elizabeth Ashley.", finishing for Yoshika. 

" Think ' Medical Exam', the Tardis should take you there, change into the 'exam Yukata',

I will be there, in moments.", said Yoshika. The young Blonde woman 'huffed' and 

went to the upper area. Sakamoto, taken Yoshika, to a corner. " What is it, 

Miyafuji?" " Can't openly 'say', yet.", said Yoshika. 

TIME WITCH, FROM THE BOARDERSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora