Part 1

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It had been a very nice night in Adventure City, like any night, the kids laughed and played in the nearby parks. But for Skye, she just sat down on a nearby roof ledge, and just sat thinking. She had been able to sneak away with her gear and copter to get some fresh air. But was it fresh air if she despised the very city she was in? Maybe not.

Of course, when they originally got to see Adventure City for the first time, it had been a sight to see. But now, she learned to deposit all her sorrows and hidden pains into the very city that she was currently residing in. Nobody asked her if she was ok, nobody even cared when she had left. Not that anyone knew that she had snuck away. Chase had always had his emotional needs met, and she had to. But.... Nobody understood her that way she wanted.

My smile is fake, useless

Her smile had everybody fooled, sometimes even herself. Trust me, if baffled her to no ends. Maybe someone would try to understand her, but she didn't even know herself. The pain felt endless, like a pit that ate all her happiness. But what was even worse was that she couldn't escape from it, it just became a part of her. A few tears feel down her cheeks, her legs and arms felt like lead. Not that her previous injuries helped any more than before.

Oh yeah...that was another thing. She often hid her injuries to create less tension in the air, but this injury that she had sustained only a few hours earlier, hurt like a beast. She had accidentally fallen off a small building, usually she would rely on her wings, but her wings malfunctioned. End result.... probably a few busted ribs and sprained paw. She had done a very good job of hiding it.

Not something to be proud of Sky

But the funny things was that she wasn't the only one injured. Chase had achieved the impossible, sprain his foot while delivering a pizza. Everyone was obviously concerned about his injuries, but hers, nobody even cared to ask. Well.... that was actually a bit far from the truth. Rocky and her other siblings asked but she just responded with her usual lie.

I'm fine

But maybe she should have been honest, maybe that would have solved her internal problem that was tearing her apart. Piece by piece. Maybe... she did want someone to understand her. But maybe she was also asking the impossible. Cause, no matter how she put it, she felt alone.

Very alone

"Hey Skye, are you ok?" A nearby voice said. Skye jumped and looked back to see Ryder approaching her with concern.

"No," Skye replied. She wanted to lie, go anywhere but here. But she didn't know how long she could keep lying to herself and more importantly, her family. The emotional turmoil was emotionally draining, it was also starting to be physically draining.

"What's wrong?" Ryder asked as he came over and wrapped his arm around his pup, "Was it me?"

Skye shook her head, "No Ryder, I just feel..."

"Scared?" "Hurt?"


Ryder shifted and opened his arms wide; his features were twisted with worry and concern. The suspense was just killing him. Skye took the embrace.

"Why is that Skye?"

Without warning, tears poured down Skye's cheeks more frequently. She tried to stop them, but she couldn't. Ryder wiped her tears away and hugged tighter.

"Skye, I am so sorry you feel that way but know this, you mean so much to me. I don't what I would do with myself if anything happened to you. That's why I was really worried when I saw you leave"

"You saw me?"

"Yup and all the other pups did to"

Skye hung her head low; she didn't need anyone else worrying over her. She didn't deserve it, but the comfort and affection did feel nice for a change. So why did she still feel like a piece of junk?

"Skye, we're all worried about you, and I know you may not want to talk...and we're not going to force you to. But know that we are all here for you. No matter what"

The nightly breeze came in, the cold crisp temperature made itself known. Skye laid her head on Ryders side since she was really small compared to him.

"Thank you, Ryder,"

"Anytime Skye"

By now, it was getting colder and colder. "Let's go Skye, it's getting late"

Skye nodded but as she got up, a strong joint of pain flashed up her lower stomach area. Sadly, she couldn't hide the grimace of pain that flashed over her face.

"Skye? What's wrong?"

Sighing, she knew that truth would come out eventually. She couldn't hide it anymore; medical help was definitely needed.

"Funny story... I might have busted a few ribs due to a malfunction of my wings," Skye said nervously, with a small grin.

To say that Ryder was concerned and angry was an understatement. Once Skye had confessed, he immediately told her that she couldn't fly her copter home, that she could come get it later. Ryder drove Skye home on his motorbike. The worry and concern that pushed through his veins was immense and kept him going. When they did get the lookout, Skye saw that all the pups were gathered around the front, waiting for them to return safely.

"Skye? Ryder?" Rocky asked as he got up from his slumber on the floor.

"Yes Rocky, it's us"

The rest of the pups got up almost immediately. But when they saw that Skye's copter wasn't with her, they all assumed the worst.

"Ryder, did Skye crash?" Chase asked, hoping for a better response than what he was thinking of.

"No, well, not at least in the span of a few hours" Ryder said with a small huff. He hated when one of his pups would hide something like this from him.

"A few hours?"

"Skye sustained an injury today and didn't think to tell anyone"

All the pups gasped; Skye had never pulled something like this before. This... was new.

"Why Skye?" Marshall curiously asked as he grabbed the first aid kit.

"I just felt ashamed" Skye replied sadly. She promised herself that she wouldn't cry, at least not yet.

"Well right now, it doesn't matter. We're just glad that you're ok," Ryder said as he bent down and gave Skye a small hug. "Can you check her out Marshall?"

"Sure, thing Ryder," Marshall replied, gesturing towards his examination table. Hesitating, Skye walked over and grimaced while sitting down.

Why did I hesitate? It's just Marshall

Maybe it was the pain or what not, but overall, she felt at ease and more cared for than before. And no matter what, she was Skye, the one and only. And that would be enough.

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