Part 2

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The anticipation was slowly killing her. Marshall had insisted on an X-ray, and many shots at that. Skye was almost confident that her physical injuries weren't serious but mentally.... she was a mess. No X-ray could prove what she was feeling. Cause to be honest, she didn't even know her own mental injuries.

Can this pain ever be taken away?

Of course not. In all reality, everyone was hurting in some aspect, but the pain that Skye was personally feeling.... it had always been with her. Been a part of her.

Not something to be proud of Skye

To be honest, it wasn't even pain at this point. It was something that she couldn't get rid of. And it hurt. It hurt a whole lot. There was no cure, no solution. No nothing that could return Skye to her true self, her true self was hidden away a long time ago. Not that anyone knew. Nobody would ever know because even if she tried to explain her emotional turmoil, that wasn't any word or phrase that could even begin to explain her anguish.

"Hey Skye, I got your results back," Marshall said bringing Skye out of her thoughts. Tension filled the room; it was like something lurked in the small examination room.

"Is it bad?" Skye asked nervously.

Gosh dang it Skye, get yourself together

Skye took a deep breath in and recollected herself. She would not freak out or allow herself to contain any negative energy in front of Marshall. He didn't deserve that.

"Well Skye, all these injuries you've obtained would be far less extreme if you came to me sooner, but overall, you have severely bruised ribs, and your paw is sprained. You are being put on bedrest for at least a few days, maybe more. Drink your fluids and eat regularly"

"Yes sir," Skye joked. Marshall gave her a small smile and walked over to his desk.

Why can't I just act normal?

Tears. What a funny word that is when someone tries so hard to contain them. Skye sniffled and paid attention to the nearest object. Whatever it may be, it was getting harder and harder for her to contain her distress and stability.

"Ok Skye, I'm gonna need you to lie down," Marshall said as he walked over with a needle in hand.

Skye sat up with confusion, "wait why?"

"I'm going to do an MRI on you, just for precautions. I'm going to sedate you to avoid any discomfort or thrashing around. MRI's can be nasty sometimes," Marshall said as the distance between him and Skye got closer.

Almost immediately, Skye's mind went into panic mode. Overall, she knew that Marshall was only trying to help her, but she didn't want the help.

I'm fine!

Due to her panic seizing the moment, she didn't notice the needle implanted into her skin. The drowsiness and brain fog slowly started to overtake her entire system.

"Goodbye world," Skye muttered before the darkness toke over and left her blissfully dreaming.


When Skye came back to it, lights blinded her. She squinted her eyes and gave out an unvoluntary whimper.

"Here Skye, the lights are dimmed." A distant voice said, "Let me see your eyes"

Skye tried but it felt like her entire body was seized by some force. Nothing worked, she couldn't move her arm or leg. Not even a finger. But she had to find out whose voice that was, maybe it could help her.

Come on, you can do it Skye

Using every ounce of determination in her whole body, she found the will power to move. Lifting one finger at a time to shaking her head back and forth, eventually her eyes slid open.

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