Mysterious Part 2 - Paige

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It's 7:13 and school starts at 7:30. Is Maggie still sleeping? I sat up and looked over. Sure enough she is. "Shit! Maggie wake up!" I shook her, no response. "MAGGIE!!" I shook her once more. "Huh?" She mumbled. "We're gonna be late." "For what?" "School." She shot up. "Shit!" We both rushed down stairs, made sandwiches for lunch and headed out.

Maggie walked me to math class with a kiss on my cheek. When I walk in I see Ariana. "Hey Ari. How are you?" "Hey Paige. I'm good." "How was your night?" I asked her. "It was good. I spent a lot of time writing lyrics." "Oh cool!" "How was yours?" "Mine was...eventful."

The teacher came in. Mrs. Pollin. She's the meanest teacher ever. "Ok class, take your seats." As I went to sit down there was a note on my seat. I read it: You can't keep helping her run! I will get her! She will be alone at some point! I stare at it. It wasn't signed. Who is this? I glance around the room but no one looks back at me.

At lunch I have Maggie read it. "Oh my god. Someone's after me." "It's ok Mag, I'll keep you safe." "No you can't. You won't always be there to save me" "I know, but I'll do the best I can." I gave her a half smile and grabbed her hand. I see her cheeks turn pink. I really want to keep her safe, I just don't know how. I need to find out who this person is.

The bell rings. I pick up my stuff and walk Mags to art class. "See you at the track meeting?" "You bet!" As I walk to my class, I can't help but to worry about Maggie. Why would someone wanna hurt her? I've been doing track with her for 2 years. She's the kindest person I know. I think about it for the rest of the day until the track meet.

"Maggie!" I run up to her and give her a hug. "How was art?" "Not bad. We were just working on our still lifes. How was history?" "Boring." I didn't even pay attention because I'm so worried about Maggie.

Whistle blows. "Alright guys, settle down! Let's all come together, over here," Coach Beckler exclaimed! "Today we will all be running the 400m. You all will be trying to beat Maggie's time." Maggie is a great runner and has won the past 3 races. "On your marks... get set... GO!!!" As we start running I'm running right next to Mags. She's so hot. She just got her undercut freshened up and it looks so good!! Charlotte starts getting close. Maggie notices and speeds up. I stay behind her to let her win. Charlotte and I are head to head now. "Hey, Char!" "Hey! How's it going?" She asks out of breath. "Pretty good!" "I see you've been hanging out with Paige a lot, like more than usual. When did that happen?" "Oh, well we have study hall together and we sit next to each other." "Oh okay cool. Just be careful." "What do you mean? Why?" "You know she's a lesbian right?" "I mean, yes but so what?" "I'm just saying she might fall in love with you or something." I started running faster to get away from her.

When we get to the 200m, she slows down. She starts looking around. "What's wrong? You have to keep going." "I think I saw it again." "Are you okay?" "I honestly don't know." "Maggie!?" Coach yelled. "Everything okay? Keep going! Don't let anything distract you! Focus!"

 As we're getting changed in the locker room, I reach over to play with Maggie's undercut. "I"m so sorry this is happening. "I want to protect you." "That's very sweet but I don't know if you can." I hug her tight. "Can I sleep over yours tonight?" "Let me text my mom." A few minutes later, while walking down the hall Maggie said her mom said yes but she said that I would have to sleep on the floor because her mom doesn't allow girls in her bed. She said her mom would be checking on us periodically. Maggie is out to her mom but I'm not out because I'm not sure how my mom would feel about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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