First Day

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Riddle could practically hear his heart beating as he awaited the signal for everyone to leave the coffins.

He wasn't that nervous, but judging by the loud noises outside, he would be in for a different atmosphere.

His private middle school wasn't anything this loud and he knew that the private high school his mother would've sent him to would've been a lot less loud...

...but it would've been less magically active and Eliza Rosehearts was not going to send her son to a non-magical high school.

Riddle was already practically the only mage in his class back in the middle school. Being the only one in high school wouldn't do well for his learning (at least according to his mother.) But she was never wrong. Riddle also assumed this was why she never divorced his father: because she didn't want to admit that she'd made the wrong choice in a husband (even though she'd expressed as much in the confinements of their own home.)

Riddle's father hardly ever stood up to his mother, often leading to times where the both of them get yelled at by her with no remorse.

But here Riddle was. Away from his parents and at a magic school.

He was determined to follow every single rule and become the perfect student, just like he'd always been.

Riddle would be lying, however, if he said that there wasn't an alternate reason for attending Night Raven because there was. That reason was that he knew his childhood best friend Trey Clover was here.

Trey would be a second year now and Riddle was absolutely thrilled to be able to see him again. It'd been close to eight years since he was taken from Trey and Che'nya.

Che'nya had sadly gone to Royal Sword Academy instead of Night Raven, but Riddle was at least glad that Trey was here.

The doors to the coffins opened and everyone flooded out, Riddle included.

There were loads of other first years whom Riddle did not know at all.

...except for one: Roland Club.

Roland was a boy that Riddle had gone to middle school with and had become somewhat of friends with.

They never sat together at lunch or anything, but they were both rather quiet in class and tended to follow the rules. Roland didn't have very good grades, but he never cheated to get ahead and Riddle respected that (even if he didn't like the fact that he came close to failing every class.)

Riddle didn't go up to him though. While they were friendly they were by no means real friends.

So, Riddle scanned the crowd. He saw two first years huddle close together. One with white hair and red eyes and the other with dark eyes and brown hair.

The white haired boy was whining about something as the other fixed something on his coat.

"Kalim! Stay still!" The brunet scolded. "I'm trying, Jamil!" Kalim whined back. Riddle let his eyes wander over to another first year with strange eyes and silver hair.

He looked rather sleepy and was hanging around a boy with horns and another boy with black and pink hair.

Riddle knew enough to tell that the boy with horns was none other than Malleus Draconia himself.

Riddle tried not to stare too long and drifted his gaze to a boy with hyena ears. He was playing something on his phone and eyeing everyone around him. Riddle made a mental note to keep away from him.

He then looked to a group of three huddled together by a coffin.

Two of them were identical with minor differences. They both had teal hair with a black strip, pale skin, and one olive eye and one a piercing yellow. What differed was the side the black strip was on and which eye was olive and which was yellow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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