chapter 1: Judgement

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The sound of bells echoed through the chamber. The rattle of chains seemed to hit the walls, serving a reminder to the one’s on the stand that a trial was about to begin. A being with no shape stood at the end of the stand simply looking down at the stage, there was a platform in the middle of the chamber, on this platform a singular path could be seen, this path only had 1 trail that lead to it, and being escorted by 2 celestial creatures was Xeon with a blindfold on, these angelic like beings had some sort of harmonic tune radiating off them, the moment Xeon came into the view of the crowd the screams of horror and the whispers could be heard echoing throughout the chamber, Xeon remained silent knowing they had spent their life running to avoid this exact situation. Once they reached the end of the path and they stood on the platform in the middle of the chamber, the shapeless  celestial creature stood up, and the room grew silent as everything died down to a whisper. These creatures stared at Xeon as it spoke, giving a simple command to the creatures behind Xeon ''Remove the blindfold, stamp the chains into the platform ”. The creature on the right moved forward first attaching the chains to the bottom of the platform making sure to secure the chains, the second creature moved forward once the first creature returned to its position and it untied the blindfold around Xeon’s Eyes. Once the blindfold dropped to the floor and the celestial entity locked eyes with Xeon, a pair of dead eyes were looking directly at the entities eyes with no signs of fear only 1 emotion could describe how Xeon was looking at the celestial Entity, and the being knew exactly what the emotion was.

"In the celestial tapestry of existence, you find yourself entangled in the cosmic strands, accused of transgressions that echo through the very fabric of creation. Today, the symphony of your actions resonates within the hallowed halls of this divine council. You stand trial not merely for crimes against the laws of mortals but for violating the sanctity of the divine order itself. The ineffable balance of nature, meticulously woven by celestial hands, has been disrupted by your audacious defiance. Stealthily eluding the discerning gaze of this august assembly, you have danced between the threads of fate, leaving chaos in your wake. Your hands bear the weight of the demise of twelve revered deities, their celestial essence extinguished or ensnared by your audacious hand.

In the celestial realms, four pantheons now mourn the absence of their divine kin, a void echoing through the heavens. You, a harbinger of discord, embody a monstrous aberration both in the earthly realm and the ethereal domains beyond. Your actions reveal a callous disregard for the intricate interconnectedness of all that is, the repercussions of your deeds reverberating through realms seen and unseen.Little nightmare, in the presence of this celestial tribunal, where the cosmic scales weigh the gravity of your transgressions, do you grasp the magnitude of your impact? Do you, in the shadow of your deeds, comprehend the intricate dance of cause and effect that spans the celestial tapestry? As your fate hangs in the balance, speak, and let your words echo through the divine corridors, for this moment marks the intersection of mortal consequence and celestial judgment."

Each sentence only reminded Xeon of their actions simply thinking back to the time someone of god hood had taken the source of happiness, now these entities had not only captured them but now their trail was on the go. Xeon looked around the chamber, seeing the many familiar and unfamiliar faces within the crowd, knowing the whispers that were serving among them were all related to their actions. Xeon took one shallow breath and locked eyes with the celestial entity that was their judge and spoke.

“I’m guilty, this I will not deny but im guilty that is not my fault, the crime within this chamber itself is my trial, all of you, know who I am, what I am, and you were disgusted to know I had found happiness in the human world, my question to you, how can you judge my hands covered in blood when your own hands have blood on them, blood that is uncleared, blood that was innocent… 10,000 years of loneliness, of running in fear from all of you, believing I was a monster but…. I found someone and then you took them from me so you know what….”

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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