Unleash your inner Light

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Believe in yourself, with all your heart,
For in your soul, lies a special art.
A power within, that's yours alone,
That can take you far, to the unknown.

Believe in love, in all its forms,
It's a force that can weather any storms.
It brings joy, and it brings peace,
And can make your worries cease.

Believe in the goodness of humanity,
For despite our flaws, we have empathy.
We're capable of kindness, and of grace,
And can make the world a better place.

Believe in hope, and in its light,
It can guide you through the darkest night.
It can keep you going, when you're tired,
And lift your spirits, when you're mired.

Believe in dreams, and in their power,
For they can take you to the highest tower.
They can inspire, and they can motivate,
And help you achieve, what you once thought was fate.

Believe in yourself, and in your dreams,
For they are the seeds, of all your schemes.
Nurture them, and watch them grow,
For with belief, there's no limit to how far you can go.
                     - Asavi Kapadia

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