Movie Day - Alex's POV

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Alex doesn't want to feel this way. She feels awkward, embarrased, and generally overwhelmed. She has a crush on motherfucking Magnus. Maggie fucking Chase. She knows him. She remembers. The small, probably fourteen year old boy, with short, choppy blond hair and gray eyes. The way he used to cry when he thought he was alone, the way he would smile at her. It was refreshing to have someone smile at her.

Alex sighs and rolls over in her bed, her newly dyed hair messy and tangled. She stands up and rubs her eyes, then rummages through her luggage for a hairbrush. She really needs to start unpacking. She brushes her hair out, tugging at the knots.


She hears a knock at the door and groans. She knows TJ is already at work so... "Come in Maggie!"

Magnus comes into Alex's room with a smile. "Good morning."

"Morning." She replies, pulling a sweatshirt on over her t-shirt.

Magnus leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms. "So."

Alex rolls her eyes at Magnus. "So?"

Magnus laughs softly. "Do you want to do something today?"

Alex sighs and sits on the floor. "Don't you have work, dude?"

Magnus walks over to her, still smiling. "Nah, I got fired." Alex's eyes widen and she covers her mouth. Magnus laughs. "I'm just pulling your leg, girlie. I have a job, I'm just off for a while, during repairs to the resturant."

Alex nudges Magnus playfully. "How'd you know I was going by she/her pronouns."

Magnus shrugs. "My wonderful intuition. But seriously, back to my original question, do you want to watch a movie with me?"

Alex nods. "As long as we get to watch my favorite movie, sure." She fishes through her luggage once again, putting away her hairbrush and picking up a DVD. It's an old popular horror movie, she bought the DVD back when she was around thirteen.

Magnus groans. "I hate horror movies."

Alex flicks Magnus's forehead. "I'm not watching anything other than this."

Magnus rolls his eyes and takes the DVD, bringing Alex to the living room and putting the DVD in. Alex sits on the couch, stretching out her legs. Magnus sits on the other side of the couch, taking up as little space as possible as the movie starts.


Suddenly, there's a jumpscare. Magnus jumps and latches onto Alex's arm, causing her to blush slightly. She pushes him away, roughly, and clambers on top of him. "You scared, Maggie?" She says, taking control of the situation.

Magnus's face reddens. "I- no, I've watched this before... it was just unexpected."

Alex lets go of Magnus. "Ah. Where'd you watch this?"

"... it was in a homeless shelter for kids. It was after my mom died, so I barely paid attention to it." Magnus murmurs, itching the back of his head.

Alex stares at him. "Magnus fucking Chase. Do you remember who bought that movie?"

Magnus's eyes widened. "Dude... that was you?"

Alex sighs. "Yes Maggie. That was me."

"I- wow. You look so... different." Magnus murmurs. "For one thing, you're taller, for another, the hair. And you're less awkward."

Alex sticks her tounge out at him. "I was a teenager. Of course I was awkward. I still kinda am."

Magnus runs a hand through Alex's hair. "Mm. Well, I think you look cute."

Alex blushes. "You don't think that, stupid." Magnus shakes his head and kisses Alex's nose. Suddenly, another jumpscare! Magnus falls off the couch and Alex bursts out laughing. "Ohhhh my god!"

Magnus glares at her. "Fuck you."

Alex leans over, a smile on her face. "Love you too."


Sorry for the short chapter, I'm working on my webcomic <3

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