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"Hey, Gyuvin hyung!"

"Oh, hey Gunwook," Gyuvin greeted happily, switching his phone to his other hand so he could fish for his dorm room keys in the back pocket of his jeans. "What's up?"

"My friend's throwing a party at her lake house and she said I could bring a plus one. You wanna come? I've got a bunch of friends going and there's an extra seat in the car."

"Hold on..." Gyuvin fumbled with the door handle, juggling his bookbag and his iced coffee as he entered the room. "Let me check if I have anything on. What's the date today again?"

"It's the 16th of February."

Gyuvin froze. He couldn't believe he'd almost forgotten, even after all these months. 

Today was the 16th of February, 2025. The day he was supposed to die.

"Ah, shit, I've got an assignment due tomorrow," he said, trying to sound as normal as possible. "I'm so sorry. Let's hang out another time, okay? I'll treat you to ice cream."

"Haha, alright. Thanks hyung. See you soon, okay?"

Gyuvin deliberated for a second if he should say it. He decided there was no harm in trying.



"Don't go to that party tonight."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about it."

"Well, I do have a couple of projects due soon that I haven't really gotten much headway on. Plus, I don't really know the girl who invited me that well. It'd be awkward for me to go if no one I know is gonna be there."

"Right?" Gyuvin answered, relief filling him like adrenaline through his veins. Even if nothing happened that night, at the very least he'd done his best. "Most house parties aren't worth it anyway. All they do is drink alcohol and blast loud music."

"Hyung, when did you become such a homebody? Just kidding. I'll see you soon! Text me, okay?"

"Okay, Gunwookie. Stay safe."

"You too, hyung. Bye!"

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