2. introductions

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Lynn picks out a new outfit:

She comes out of the wardrobe feeling fresh 🔥🔥🔥 (just kidding)

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She comes out of the wardrobe feeling fresh 🔥🔥🔥 (just kidding)

Jay also picks out a new outfit:

Jay also picks out a new outfit:

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"Ah shit we gotta go to the team meeting" she says, looking at the watch

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"Ah shit we gotta go to the team meeting" she says, looking at the watch.

"Omg right let's run 🙏🙏" says Lynn, taking a headstart but stopping 10 seconds later cause running is too much of an effort for both of us anyways (help)

We open the big doors to the meeting room, where everybody is already seated.

"Took you long enough." Scoffs scaramouche.

We both sit down.

"Alright so today we'll have 2 new members joining us." Jean-jaques explains.

"Would you mind introducing yourselves?" He asks.

Lynn goes first.

"Ermmm well I'm Lynn and my vision is electro and I use a sword. I have very low standards for guys (def not hinting anything) uhm I love bowlcuts on purple hair (still not hinting anything) and I could never finish a show if my life depended on it"

"I see." Says jean-jaques.

"What about you, jay?" He asks.

"Ermm well I'm jay, I have an anemo vision and I use a bow. I hate Harry styles with my life and I love taking pictures in 0.5 lmfao"

Jean-jaques thinks for a moment, scratching his beard intelligently.

"And what exactly shall this.. 0.5 be?" He asks.

"Oh wait let me show you" jay says, taking out her phone. She takes a pic of scaramouche, who happened to sit next to her.

 She takes a pic of scaramouche, who happened to sit next to her

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She then goes to show it around the room.


"You'll regret this." Scaramouche says.

"Hm, I see how this could be seen as some sort of... Amusement." Jean-jaques says, looking at the picture intensely.

"Anyways. Let's continue with the meeting. We have important stuff to discuss." Jean-jaques adds.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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