Stranger One Shot

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It's pouring rain when she turns up at Josh's apartment. She only wearing a thin hoody and is sure the rain has soak through all of her clothes. After getting into a big fight with her boyfriend, Eric Majorly Big Dickhead, she decided she needed her big and favourite brother to comfort her. So, Jess ran straight to Josh's flat after the fight.

Jess knocks loudly on the apartment door after she has walked up the several steps. When there is no answer she knocks again. After several minutes of waiting she gets out her phone and gives him a ring. No answer. Fuckin wanker. Just when she needs him. Just as she is about to give up and walk home the front door opens. Standing there in just some sweat pants is a boy-no man with long dark inky hair and stunning green eyes. She can't help but stare. She casts her eyes downward and checks out his body, slender and covered in tattoos and his stunning V that disappears below the waist line of his sweat pants. Jess snaps out of her daze when she realises that this is Josh's flat and a stranger, who she has never met, is answering the door.

"You're not Josh." She says as she looks back into his amazing blue eyes.

"No shit." He replies with a smirk on his face as he had noticed her checking him out. She clenches her jaw, and tries to look more confident with her 5'3 frame. He spoke with a slow almost sultry voice.

"Where's he at, I need to talk to him." She says with desperation in her voice as she really needs to see her brother. He must have picked up on this as her replies;

"He's not in, but you can come in if you want, he's just gone out for a bit. In dunno how long he is going to be though." As he says this he steps aside to let her enter. Hurrying to get out the rain she steps through the door and into the flat. As she is standing there she notices how his eyes follow her and dip to her ass. She lets it be though, without commenting on it, as she is upset and just wants her brother.

"What do you need Josh for?"

Jess nearly forgot he was there as he hadn't spoken and just let her shake out of her wet jacket and shoes. She decides to ignore his question and ask one of her own as, Josh is her brother and she knows all his friends and never seen this man in her life.

"Who are you? I know all of Josh friends and I've never seen you before." The word came of a little harsher than she meant them to, but he answered anyway.

"Wait? Are you kidding? Not to sound pretentious, but haven't you seen my face before?" He was right, he sounded really fucking pretentious. She looks at him with stormy eyes.

"I'm Harry... Josh plays in my band." Ah the famous boyband. It clicked. Josh didn't really talk about his band with her, since the bands she liked was mostly dead.

"Jess, Josh's little sister." She replies. She notices how he looks a bit disappointed, but decided to leave it as she was still soaking wet and sad from her fight with Eric.

"Oh shit! The world travelling sister. I have heard a lot about you." She sighs. Of course he had. Josh had most defentley showed hot stranger disgusting baby photos too. Awesome.

"Well I haven't heard about you." She says curtly. She tells him she is going to get changed and heads to Josh room, where she changes in to one of his top and puts on a pair of his boxers. His top comes all the way down to her knee as she is so small and her brother has a big frame. She decided to put on his boxers as she knew all of his pants would immediately fall of her small frame.

When she goes back down stairs, she can smell a mouth-watering scent. As she steps of the last step, next to the door, she turns her head to the back of the apartment where the kitchen is located and makes her way over. There Harry is standing, now with a top on, frying something in a pan over the stove.

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