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He wasn't there Ik he wasn't in the bathroom bc the door was wide open I went back down stairs and  told mom mom Kyle isn't in his room did you check the bathroom yes he isn't there ok just come and eat so that's what I did .mom had went upstairs and I could hear mom and dad fighting bc it was spring break I had packed a few things I needed and went to my friends house bc they weren't home I went how mom and dad weren't there so I went up stairs and I decided to see if Kyle was home and when I went in his room he was passed out on his bed I was walking to him but I had slipped on a bottle of.....wait this is a bottle of Prozac and it's empty which means.....I grabbed my phone and called my mom and told  her what happened she said she was coming home now I ran to Kyle and hugged him and cried
3 hours later
Kyle is in the hospital he's ok but he tried to khs😖which is scary to think about I feel like it had to do with the fight from last night so I went to Stan's house
At Stan's house
hey Ike why are you here is there something wrong with Kyle yes what happened can I come in sure
In Stan's room
Stan there is something wrong with Kyle what happened ike kyle tried to khs OMG IS HE OK yea but I need to talk to you abt something and I feel like it had to do with the fight you and him had oh ok any questions you have ask ok

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