Chapter Three

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It had been three months since you and Karkat got together, and at first, it was great! You were together most every second of the day, and you could tell, just by the look in his eyes when he looked at you that he really did care. However (because there always is a 'however') of late he's been... distant, and you think he's been ignoring you, as well. When you're together, he makes damn sure he's not touching you, and when he accidentally brushes against you, he automatically grumbles an apology. He used to have a hand on you at all times. He's been cutting all of your dates short. That is, if you can even get him to come.

It was bound to happen, you decided, rubbing a hand over your scars. He was losing interest. Of course he was, look at you. You were stupid, worthless, pathetic. "It's amazing he ever liked me to begin with." You whisper to yourself.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, making you jump. You look up to see Sollux, standing hesitantly in the door-way. "Hey, (sollux's nick-name for you), I- are you okay?" He asked, noticing the un-fallen tears in your eyes, and comes closer.

You shake you head, indicating that nothing was wrong "Yeah, I'm fine, Sol. What's up?"

"Have you theen K-k rethently? I've been looking everywhere for the ath-hole." He said, sitting next to you on your bed.

This caused you to start stuttering, since you were just mourning over the fact you hadn't seen him recently at all. "I- no, I haven't seen him recently, at all, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do, 'kay, Solly?"

The bi-colored eyes bored into yours, trying to detect any increment of any un-told information. Finally, he said "What do you mean you haven't theen him? You two are thtill together, right?"

That broke you, and a tear ran down your cheek. "I think so. But- I'm --I'm not sure."

Immediately, you were in Sollux's arms, and the socially-awkward troll was doing his best to comfort you "thhit, don't cry, don't cry, it'th okay, you're okay. Why aren't you thure you and Kk are together?"

"I- we- he he's avoiding me, Sol. Wh-what did I do wrong?" you say through tears, balling your fists into his shirt.

"thhhhhhhhhhhh, tthhhhhhhhhhh, nothing, you did nothing wrong, Kk'th an ath-hole, I'll talk to him." awkwardly, he rubs your back, and stroke your hair, doing his best to calm you down.

You automatically wiped your tears, knowing that the poor bi-polar troll didn't really want to deal with this, and pull away, muttering a 'sorry', looking down.

Sollux put a hand on your shoulder, and tried to look into your eyes to see what was wrong now. "Sorry, I'm sorry, Sollux. Just don't worry about it, I should know how to take care of myself by now, right? I'll- I'll just deal with it myself, okay?" you avoid his eyes as you say that. Sollux was your best friend, almost your moirial, how could you burden him with your petty problems? He probably had his own problems and you should be helping him with his not the other way around.

"(y/n), thtop. I will help you with your gog-damned problem, okay? I'll go talk to Kk for you, it'th not like it'd be torture, tho thtop acting like you're athking me to thmathh {a/n, that's smash, sorry, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to tell} my huthk-top and every game and every game platform I have." the boy scoffed, annoyed and standing to leave. "jutht- calm down, okay? I'll take care of everything." and with that he left before you could protest any further.

///Le time-skip because I'm lazy, sorry-- Also! Sollux's POV! <3///

Okay, now where to find Kk? you thought, walking around the meteor aimlessly. You couldn't believe Kk would ignore her! Didn't he know he was hurting her, she didn't do anything wrong, did she? Kk's just pissy. suddenly, you bump into something--


"Kk! Jutht the troll I wath looking for!"


You make no lead-in, no introduction, you just ask straight off: "Why are you avoiding (y/n)?"

His jaw gaped for a second, and you thought you saw a flash of sorrow in his gold and grey eyes, but you figure you imagined it. "WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU I WAS AVOIDING (Y/N)? WHY WOULD I AVOID HER, SHE'S MY MATESPRITE, FUCK-ASS, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, NOOK-SUCKER."

"Kk, thhe told me herthelf that you were avoiding her. Tho, either you are avoiding her, or, you're a really thucky matethprite, and you made her cry for no reathon." you crossed your arms.

That seemed to shock him. "I-I made her cry? She was crying? When, is she okay?" he whispered.

"Thhe'th in her rethpite block, but I don't know if thhe'th okay, the'th not exactly the type to let people in, you know?" you ask her former moirial, who she'd obviously had let in.

Karkat crossed his arms, as well, and scowled, looking worried. "Yeah. Is she mad at me?"

"I think thhe jutht wantth to know why. Actually, tho do I! Why would you do that to her?" You demand, suddenly protective of the human girl.

"I-kanaya. she meant well but she told me that I was spending too much time with her and she was going to get tired of me so I started to spend less time with her, which I guess means I started to avoid her, yeah. I just didn't want to lose her." He said looking to the ground as if it had suddenly become very very interesting.

"you're about you anyway!" You tell him annoyed but you are happy that he wasn't intentionally hurting her. "What are you thtill thanding there for? Go!"

And he went.

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