Happy New Year!!

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone! This is the final special before it's officially New Years! I hope you're all ready for 2024 and what it might bring. Hopefully the pros are better than the cons! Note this chapter does NOT align with the current story, speaking of chapters, there will be a new chapter this week, so I guess that's one thing to look forward to I guess. Well, I hope you're all having a great time and Happy New Year!!







Fujimoto Household, Hensō's Room. New Years Eve

  Hensō was getting dressed, his family was going to visit his sister's grave to pay respects and wish her a happy new year. Once he was finished getting dressed, he looked in the mirror that stood in his room, >Like you always said sis, "The New Year is meant for surprises."< Hensō thought about his sister's words every New Year. A small smile on his face as he remembered his sister's words. "This year will definitely have tons of surprises..." Hensō thought to himself, tying up his hair in a similar style to his sister. "Hensō! Are you ready?!" His father's voice called out from below, it was time for them to leave. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Hensō replied, walking down to the living room of the house.


Ryo's Apartment, Living Room, New Years Eve

  The four were playing some board games, they were having a 'great' time playing monopoly with each other, "I'm in jail again?!?!" Kokori yelled out as her piece landed on one of the jail spaces. Kokori groaned as she put her piece on the jail space. Their game had been going on for about an hour now. They continued to play and went on, Ren was quite unlucky as he continued to land on Rośe's property. Ryo kept on missing the start by one space, which basically ticked him off every time it happened. Rośe was having the most normal experience in the game compared to the other three.

  Their game of monopoly ended three hours after it ended, and somehow, Kokori won despite being the one who got in jail the most. The other three basically lost from bankruptcy. "Finally, it's over!!" Rośe was lying on the ground, Ryo was gone and Ren had his head on the table. "I did it, I won!! I beat the law!!" Kokori celebrated her victory, Rośe's phone was ringing, picking it up, it was a call from Nelivia.

  "Hello?" Rośe answered the call, wondering what Nelivia was calling her for. "Since it's New Years Eve, I wondered if you and the others wanted to come over and celebrate New Years with us." Nelivia said, explaining why she was calling. Rośe looked at the others, Ren and Kokori looked at Rośe, she mouthed out the words if they wanted to go to Nelivia's. The two answered yes, and assuming Ryo was going, she responded to Nelivia. "Yeah, we're gonna come over." Nelivia was happy hearing Rośe's answer, "Okay, thank you for your answer!!" Nelivia said before ending the call.

  Ryo came back into the living room once the call was finished. "Ryo, do you want to go to Nelivia's for New Years?" Rośe asked, noticing Ryo from the corner of her sight. "Sure." Ryo answered before taking the monopoly board and packing it up. "Well, what time are we going?" Kokori asked, now wondering when they had to go. "Oh... I didn't ask..." Rośe responded, and she went on to text Nelivia what time they had to be there. It took a minute, but Nelivia eventually responded, "Nelivia said "Anytime in the evening. We're preparing at the moment." Rośe said, reading out the text Nelivia sent.

  "Well that's a lot of time." Ren said, sitting down on the sofa. "What should we do in the meantime?" Rośe asked, sitting down on one of the kitchen seats. The four thought about some ideas to do while they wait for time to pass

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