Part 7

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 When I woke up, I couldn't remember where I was at first. The room was dark and it was still was dark outside. I relaxed remembering I was safe. I then sat up and looked out the door checking to see if there was anyone out there. I didn't see the cop out there and I got worried. After a bit a figure stood in the doorway and I froze where I was. "May you have been a very bad girl, If you don't scream or fight it will be easier for you and I will also not punish you as bad," James stated. "I will go quietly James," I said quietly. He motioned to someone, a minute later Adam walked in with a wheelchair. Tears ran down my face as I got up out of the bed, then sitting in the wheelchair. Adam grabbed the IV stuff and the three of us quietly made our way out of the hospital. We got to the car and Adam and James helped me in the car. James said "Good girl May." He and Adam then got in and started the car. He then turned out of the parking lot and down the street. "Now May, Andy is very upset with you, I will explain to him that you came with no problems. When we get to the house we are taking you straight down to the basement." James said.

 "James, I understand I broke the rules," I said crying. I watched out the window as he drove. His phone then started to ring, "Hey Boss, yes everything is fine. May is upset, but understands she broke the rules. She came with us not giving us any problems." James stated. I listened for a moment, James then said "Yes boss I understand." He dove another half hour before turning into the driveway. I saw someone on the porch as James parked the car in front of the house. James got out then walked around the car and opened the door for me, he and Adam helped me out, the three of us started walking into the house. Andy stopped us, "Look at me May," he said. I looked up and before he could say a word I said " I'm sorry, I was scared and wasn't thinking." I then looked down at my feet.

"May, your be spending three days in the basement, Adam and James will explain it all. You knew that if any rules are broken you would get punished," Andy says. James and Adam then started to walk again and walked me to the basement. They took me into a different room than before. "Stay here May, I'll be right back," James said. Tears started to fall down my face. James spoke up " your spend three days with no food or water. Adam is going to check on your IV.  Don't give him any problems or I'll add a punishment." He then walked over to a door and unlocked it, walked inside it and turned the light on. He then left the basement. Adam walked over to me, " Now let's see if this one will work. he check the placement of the IV I got in the hospital. This should last, I will put the drip on slow and I'll check it every three hours. Other then that your be alone ," he said. I looked in the room there was a toilet, sink and a bed nothing more. Adam put a new saline bag on and then walked me into the room. He then shut and locked the door. I heard him walk away.

I laid on the bed and started to cry , soon falling asleep. The three days went by slow, Adam coming in every three hours and me  just laying there. I didn't know what day it was or how long I had left.

It must have been the third day, I just sat there like I have been and waited to see what was going to happen. After a long time Adam walked in followed by James. Adam started taking the I.V out and James just stood there. James then picked me up and carried me upstairs, then up to the second floor. We went into the bathroom and he sat me on the toilet. He then started the bath water, putting bubbles in it ( cuz that's what us girls like ) " May , I'm setting a timer for a half hour. You take a bath and be dress before it goes off. I will be back in for you," James said as he walked out and shut the door. I got undressed, then took the bandages off and got in the warm tub. I scrubbed my body gently clean, then got out with enough time to get dried and dressed. I got done as the door opened and Adam and James came in. Adam then looked at my back putting new bandages on. James then picked me up and then walked downstairs. He sat me at the kitchen table, Mark was cooking and James left the room. Mark sat a plate down in front of me, I ate slowly not wanting to upset my stomach. When I was done I pushed the plate away from me.

Mark took the plate and put it in the sink. He then came over and picked me up, taking me upstairs. He stopped at a door, I knew it was Andy's room. He knocked, Andy opened the door and said "Bring her in Mark." Mark walked in sitting me on the bed, then left the room. I sat there quietly waiting to see what Andy was going to say or do. Andy walked over and said "May, I'm very upset with you. I know you just got done being punished, but I don't think that was good enough." I started to shake knowing he was upset. He came closer and looked me in the eyes. "May, I'll have to talk to James. NOW GET TO YOUR ROOM!" He said with a stern voice. I got up , stumbling a bit and ran out of the room and headed to my room. I got on the bed and curled into a ball and cried.

Time went by, I just stayed there in the bed. The door opened, I was afraid to look. "May, let's go," It was James. I turned around and looked at him. I then started to climb out of the bed, "Please James," I begged. It was all I could say. I'm afraid of getting punished again. I walked over to him, he said " Don't worry May, let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. He had me sit on the couch and he went into the kitchen. I heard talking, but I couldn't understand anything that was said.

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