Part two

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The Kiss Of Life.

HE WASN'T SURE OF WHAT HE WAS ABOUT TO DO BUT HE DIDN'T HOLD OUT. He took out his amulet and placed it in her hands.

"It's yours now. Take it."

"What do you mean? We've only just met. How can you-" Nova's gentle finger on her lips finally silenced her. For a moment they both absorbed the aftermath of their sudden contact before Cindy hesitantly pulled away.

"Sorry, it's just that your advice finally got into me. I've been holding onto this for so long, hoping she would come back. But she is gone."

"No, don't be. We are not so different you know. I was once the same way." She smiled at him and his cheeks went red. Almost looking away.

"So if giving me this will make you feel better. Make you feel like you are ready to move on, then ok. I'll take good care of it." She said as she clutched it tightly in her hand. She was about to dip it in her pocket when Nova held her wrist.

"Wait-" He said before he retrieved the amulet from her hand and slowly put it around her neck. "There. It suits you."

"So this was your plan all along?" She said as she felt the necklace dangling from her neck.

"Well, kinda. You know. Back at the pool." He said making quick eye contact.

"No. Don't even start about that. I still haven't forgiven you for what you did." She said pointing a manicured finger at him almost poking him on his chest.

"Yeah. I understand. But can I ask you something?" He said hesitantly.

"Are you a witc-" Her hand quickly covered his mouth.

"Wait, I hear something." She said and she quickly held his wrist before following a shimmering sound. Nova heard it too. It was like the sound of dissolving vitamin tablets and a drizzling waterfall at the same time. Almost magical.

They walked near to the swimming pool and hid behind a bunch of garden roses. When the raised their heads. They saw a female figure, possibly a late teenager crouching by the edge of the pool. She had deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. A unique pair of keys dangled from her pinkie and at that moment did he realize that she was the girl Dylan talked about, the one who wanted his penthouse.

For a moment she looked either side of her to see if anyone was around. Nobody else was around except for the two of them, it was late at night and the guards were farther beyond the fence. She slowly nodded at her reflection before they noticed a glowing ornament on her wrist.


The moment she muttered the words the amulet glowed before Nova noticed that he was loosing Cindy's grip.

"What? What is happening?" Nova said as he saw her shimmering. Cindy was speechless as Nova began to see through her.

"You, what the hell are you doing?" The mysterious girl finally noticed him. She shrugged annoyed as her face mask hid her lips and nodded as she laid her eyes on the glowing amulet. Nova almost stopped breathing when she vanished right in front of him. He turned and found her trying to take the amulet from Cindy. Nova threw a punch but she deflected it with ease. At that moment, he knew that she was a martial artist and she knew what she was doing. Nova flexed his muscles as he stanced. She rolled her eyes before she punched Cindy making her gasp sharply as she knelt down in pain and that's when Nova lost it.

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