modern au students in university

107 6 14

"Let's have sex michikatsu. "

"Wha-what?! "

"I didn't stutter. "

"I know that but- no one says that out of the blue! "

"Oh come on is it really that bad? "

"Yea! I don't want my virginity to be taken away so easily"

"... I mean is virginity that important? You're gonna loose it eventually aren't you?"

"Y-yea... But we're too young... "

"We're only 19. We're more that allowed to have sex if wanted. "

"Yea but-"

Muzan moves close to michikatsu and looks at him

"What? You think it's a dirty activity? Huh? "

"Well- yea! It is! "

"Oh so sex is dirty. Reproduction is dirty. Procreating is dirty. Wanting to bring new life in this world is dirty? You think seeing children born or watching lives being made is dirty? Huh? Michikatsu. Do you think bity is dirty? "

"Well if you put it like it's alright. But we're both males, there's no use to doing it. "

"And so? Sex is an activity that lovers do when they love each other. To have proper sex you can tell because you and your partner and being vulnerable to each other. Both of you are sensitive and naked. Naked, revealing all your parts to that person. Even the ugly parts. It's not dirty because society made it so. With history and prostitution and stuff. That's why people think it's dirty. Having sex is not so bad. It's just mind set you have."

"... Is... That so...? "

"Yes it is so. And I'm asking you because you know I'm not a man good with words like love confessions and other stuff...Actions suit me better. I just had to ask because these past few months made me realize that you're special in a way I can't detect. I just want to pursue it to you. "

Muzan seems a bit embarrassed expressing his feelings.

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