Chapter One

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Seventeen was too early for such a tragic accident in anyone's life.
Her younger brother had passed away from an illness that has become like a weekly tv series.
By the time Alina arrived home she was two days late, he was already buried by their church.

Father Povich was in his late fifties and still looked like a brickwall, he just didnt look like he belonged in all black attire and a member of any church. He looked out of place, someone you would avoid, but his words were like gold.
He never went gray, his hair stayed black and thin, the older he got the thinner it got.

Alina lay the flowers she had bought on her brothers grave.
Falling to her knees she let it all out, she screamed and roared, cried and wailed.

Father Povich knew to keep his distance from Alina.
Alina started talking to her brother, mentioning their past, their fights, arguments, being children and leaving home.
It comforted her to think her brother was in heaven.

"I got good news for you, I got new orders to join a crew"

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