Chapter 2: Home

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Castle's POV:

I quickly stand up from my bed. "Kate-...?"
I walk towards the door but slowly. The sharp pain that i felt increasingly gets worse every step I take. It feels like I'm going to fall over. I try to open the door but My hands are too shaky to even turn the door knob. I can hear a loud set of footsteps coming towards me. Then the door opens abruptly. The wind from the door felt nice and cool. I've been sweating from the heat that's in this room. Let alone it's scorching outside. "What are you doing out of bed sir?" The doctor exclaims. For a second there I couldn't remember, I couldn't think straight. It was also a little hard to find the words. "Where's Beckett?"

The doctor showed me to Beckett's room. I quietly open the door and I see her still asleep. She looks peaceful, almost as if she hadn't gotten shot. I walk over to her bed and I sit on my knees. I hold her hand and gently move her hair off her face. I softly say "Kate?" The doctor walks over to me and says with a slight look of concern "She's in coma. She has been for a week now. You just woke up from coma." I look over at Beckett and I smile slightly to try to cover my tears. "How long do you think she will  be in coma for?" the doctor sighs and said that he wasn't sure. The doctor escorted me out so Kate could get her rest. The doctor made me stay at the hospital to get a check up to make sure I was all set to go home. "You're good to go Mr.Castle."

After that i called Esposito and Ryan to come drive me home. I didn't trust any strangers because I didn't want any possibility of getting shot again. It took Ryan and Esposito an hour to get to the hospital. They're so slow. Esposito and Ryan walked over to me and helped me to my feet. The stitches were tugging and it was hard to walk. They helped me into the car and then got themselves in. Of course Esposito was driving per usual. It was a pretty quiet ride back to my house. We all were still in shock of what happened a week ago. The only words that they said were "how you doing", "Is Beckett still in coma?" Other than that, complete silence. I kind of liked it actually.

~~Time Skip~~

I woke up to the smell of coffee, pancakes, and the sunrise perfectly filling the room. I heard some familiar voices coming from the kitchen. I get up and I head into the kitchen. "Good morning richard! How are you feeling?" mom asks. "I'm feeling alright." I reply. I really don't feel alright but I don't want mom to have to worry about me. "I made you you're favorite breakfast." She says while she gets herself a plate from the cupboard. "Smorelets?!" Mom laughs and says "I would never make that descracefull gunk haha! I made you pancakes." I give her a hug and I sit down at the table. Just as I'm about to eat I get a call from Ryan. I awnser "Hey Ryan what's up?" He replies "Beckett is awake! We are driving her home right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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