Poetic Blizzard

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Do read the previous chapters before proceeding.


Prompt: Snowflakes

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Prompt: Snowflakes

Prompt: Snowflakes

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Poets, embark on a journey of boundless creativity as you interpret our prompt, each stroke of your pen weaving a unique tapestry.

Your freedom knows no bounds; choose a genre that resonates with your soul, and christen your creation with a title that sings its essence.

In the realm of expression, honor the beauty of brevity, for your poetic musings should not surpass the gentle embrace of 300 words.

While we celebrate the diversity of thought, we kindly request that entries uphold a standard of decency.
However, within the realms of maturity, feel empowered to explore the profound landscapes of mental health and human struggles, shedding light on the intricacies that shape our shared humanity.

Let your verses be a beacon, illuminating the shadows and offering solace to those who find resonance in your words.

May your poetic endeavors be as boundless as the cosmos, and may your ink flow with the grace of a gentle breeze, touching hearts and minds alike.


• Submissions accepted on our mail only

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Submissions accepted on our mail only


Deadline::  3 days after you fill the form


[ —— s ——]

[ —— n ——]

[ —— o ——]

[ —— w ——]

[ —— f ——]

[ —— l ——]

[ —— a ——]

[ —— k ——]

[ —— e ——]

[ —— s ——]


Slots will be claimed by the one who comments on them first.



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Relevance — (--/15)
— with respect to the prompt provided.

Creativity and Originality — (--/20)
— voice of your thoughts and perspectives.

Title — (--/10)
— it's connectivity and effectiveness.

Interpretation and Theme — (--/15)
— thematic exploration and coherent narrative.

Poetic Devices and Style — (--/20)
— skillful use of poetic devices.

Grammar and Structure — (--/10)
— grammatical accuracy and storytelling.

Impact & Emotional Resonance — (--/10)
— strength of the evoked response.



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