All Around Me Are Familiar Faces

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"Mad World" by Gary Jules

MARCH 24, 2003

It was another tiring Monday at the offices of Eldia Inc., and Eren stared at a computer as he debated a third cup of coffee. It was almost noon, after all.

Too many issues swirled around in Eren's head. His girlfriend breaking up with him two weeks ago was still a slowly-dulling pain, but it was one more thing on his plate, stressing him out, making him feel like in the race of life, he was losing. He simply could not keep up with the fast-paced real world.

Keeping busy was his one tenuous thread of sanity. He could forget everything else when he focused on his job. He managed to find a routine of utter dullness, and while that made him wonder if his life had purpose, stuck on repetition as it was, there was comfort in knowing what he needed to do.

Wake up, dress, eat, drive to work, fill out forms, reply to emails, organize files, go home, watch the news, eat dinner, shower, sleep.

Day after day, the same routine.

There was a stale comfort in repetition. At least, amid all the insanity in this world, he could fall back into the cycle and escape.

That all came crashing down the day his manager, Eld Jinn, walked into the cubicle farm to introduce their newest employee.

Before Eld could even speak, Eren saw the tall, lanky man behind him, brown hair cut in a mullet, narrow eyes, and a faint goatee on his elongated face.

Eren cursed under his breath, "What the hell? This must be some kind of joke!"

"Everyone," Eld called out, bringing up the faces of the busy workers. "I'd like to introduce the newest member to our team."

"Jean," Eren whispered in numbed shock.

"Jean Kirschtein."

Eren's eyes shut. No! No, no, no!

Flashbacks blinded him for a moment, and he shook his head to escape. Years ago, Jean had been the school bully. Eren had always been a short-tempered time bomb, and that made him a target for anyone who liked to see him explode. He often got into brawls when other boys harassed him or picked on his best friend, Armin. The small and studious boy shied away from bullies, making Eren feel like he had to protect him.

None were worse than Jean Kirchstein. Eren was his favorite target. After all, at one time they used to be neighbors. The torment finally ended when Jean's family moved their Sophomore year. Eren could not be happier than to have that man out of his life forever.

Until this day.

As Eld introduced him, Jean smiled, trying to make a good first impression with his new coworkers. He gave a small bow to them, but then his eyes landed on two familiar faces.

"Reiner and Bertholdt?" he cried out.

Eren glanced over to the brawny blond and tall brunette. He knew them as well, former classmates of his. It was not too surprising that people in his high school ended up working for Eldia Inc., one of the biggest companies in the city. There were even more classmates working in other departments. Reiner and Bertholdt were at least nice men, hard workers, and they got along with Eren. They had matured so much, Eren could forget that back in high school, these two had been friends with Jean.

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