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It was an evening before the 4 year anniversary of Petra Parker and Felix Hardy's wedding. Petra Parker AKA this Reality's Spider-Woman and Felix Hardy AKA Black cat usually did night patrols together, Petra Parker had told Felix that she had extra work this evening and would not be able to join their evening patrol for the city, of course Felix believed her. He was a loyal husband to his wife and good father to their 6 year old child. Felix decided to patrol the restaurant they were meant to have their wedding anniversary at, he decided to hand upside down from a rooftop near by as he watched the restaurant so everything could go smoothly tomorrow... little did he know he would find his wife sitting at a table in that restaurant, with a woman...Mary Jane, his wife's ex. Petra was sitting with her ex holding hands, Felix's jaw dropped and his face went pale with horror, he thought it couldn't get any worse, right? Felix was sadly wrong, he saw his and Petra's child at the table there, hugging MJ. This was the only time Felix hated being an expert at lip reading, through the window he saw his child say "Mommy! I missed you". This was in the restaurant they were meant to celebrate their wedding anniversary, a day before they were meant to celebrate.

Felix's heart shattered into trillions of pieces. Felix was replaced as a husband and father, even worse he was cheated on right before the wedding anniversary. Felix's breath increases and tears were rolling down his face, he gasped a few times as he continued watching, words couldn't describe how blood curdling his sadness was, Petra promised she wouldn't go back to MJ. He couldn't take it anymore as he saw MJ and Petra kiss, Felix wanted to throw up from all of his emotions. Felix got up and ran from rooftop to rooftop to get back to his house, he cried loudly and eventually choked on his own cries. Mascara rolled down his face, his eye liner looked like eye shadow.

Felix had broken down the house door in a fit of rage, his face soaked with tears. He collapsed on a chair and cried into his arms, holding them on the table. He wiped his tears away aggressively and looked at the corner of the table for the moment, he tried to hold in his tears and prevent getting watery eyes as he noticed his ex-wife's Spider-Society gizmo. Felix unsheathed his claws and picked up the gizmo, planning to rip it into shreds but he realised there were messages from someone with the contact name "Miguel O'Hara", it seemed that Petra had a Spidey friend. Felix opened to his message to see Petra had messaged Miguel saying "I might consider moving to your reality since there isn't a Black Cat there. I don't wanna date some guy who looks like a weak femboy. He has the hour glass figure and large breasts, it's pathetic that a biological male has those features. He's probably actually gay." Felix's heart sunk even more as he read the text. Felix knew he was currently only attracted to women, he remembered all of those times Petra adored Felix's feminine features. Felix sheathed his claws and decided to read Miguel's message, Miguel's reply comforted Felix but he still felt uneasy, "Are you sure about this Petra? I think you're lucky to have a Black Cat in your universe. You used to tell me how you loved Felix's feminine features, you really were excited during your wedding. I think MJ is influencing your behaviour but if you really wanna get away from your Black Cat then don't forget your gizmo does allow you to travel to other Universe's, I don't even have a Black Cat in my reality" Felix's eyes widened as he realised Petra's gizmo had the ability to travel to other realities, Felix had a plan.

Felix had a new plan, his plan to escape to Miguel's universe and fill in the empty role of Black Cat in his universe since his role of Black Cat was replaced by MJ. He would try to avoid Miguel as much as possible and become a thief. Felix went to his closet and opened a box, it was a newly customer Black Cat suit with white platform boots that had white fur

Felix out on the suit and unzipped to make a cleavage with his man breasts, he untied his tiny pony tail and let his hair down, he had flowing shoulder length hair

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Felix out on the suit and unzipped to make a cleavage with his man breasts, he untied his tiny pony tail and let his hair down, he had flowing shoulder length hair. He went to the mirror and applied eye liner, mascara and black lipstick. Felix picked up the gizmo and closed the chat with Miguel, he fitted it onto his wrist and sighed. Felix tapped a few buttons on the gizmo and opened a portal to "Earth 2099". Felix was nervous and felt guilty for what he was about to do, he felt bad for leaving his child but his child had already chosen a new parental figure, Felix's eyes couldn't help but water but he knew it wasn't time to waste his makeup. Felix picked up a purse that contained essentials and finally entered the portal to Miguel's universe, this Black Cat had entered a new era.

Felix Hardy, the only male Black Cat. (Miguel O'Hara's x M!Black Cat)Where stories live. Discover now