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At lunch when James walked in the plan was set into motion, Daphne got up, brushed herself off and went off to the quittich professional and tapped him on  the shoulder

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At lunch when James walked in the plan was set into motion, Daphne got up, brushed herself off and went off to the quittich professional and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled at the girl waiting for her to say something "mr Potter, I have some questions about quittich and i was wondering if you could help them with me"she said blinking up at him and he nodded before replying "ask away". "Okay so like do you think it's too late for me to start playing it quittich?"she asked. "No maybe you're a bit older than usual but with the right training you could be good"James replied casually and Daphne nodded. "Would my parents have to know because with like the pureblood standards and that I wouldn't be allowed to play because I'm a girl?"she talked out of her ass. "I could make sure that nothing would get out from the staff but its the students you would have to worry about"James assured. "Thank you and i was wondering if you could go into depth about all the positions so i can get the feel of the game if you know what i mean?"she thanked.

"Yeah so their are three chasers who"James started explaining and gave the others the signal than Blaise, Penny and Enzo went up to the teachers table distracting them all with a fake argument even making hand gestures for good measure. Then Theo muttered the transfiguration charm and swished his wand at James turning him into a flamingo making the hall erupt into gasps.

Penny hearing the gasps turned around then bursted into laughter, once all the teachers saw the commotion they stood up faces contorting instantly, some trying to work out how it happened while others tried to not laugh mcgonagle miserably failing. The group smirked smugly and made their way out of the great hall cackling with laughter. The group burst out in laugher, they then after recollecting themselves they all slipped back into the hall to find everyone still in chaos so they went to their seats and waited in silence. James who was currently a flamingo was running round the food hall distressed causing more chaos "professor mcgonagle if you could turn mr Potter back to his usual self that would be majorly appreciated."Dumbledore said his calm voice making all commotion stop and everyone Sit down.

Mcgonagle nodded, she spoke a transfiguration charm and James was no longer a flamingo. Near the end of lunch when the group tried to leave the great hall Dumbledore stopped them and called them over to the teacher table "that was quite entertaining what you did there it caused quite a bit of commotion"Dumbledore spoke completely calmly. "Wait what did we do again,"Penelope asked innocently, batting her eyelashes up at the teachers table. "Yeah I'm confused"Enzo chimed in. "Well the dumb tactic might fool others but it won't fool me,"Dumbledore paused taking a sip of his pumpkin juice before continuing "if i am correct mr Zabini, miss Potter and Mr Berkshire were trying to distract us while Miss Greengrass was stalling Mr Potter and that's when mr Nott here did the charm," the group then nodded and Penny muttered "yes you would be correct" and Dumbledore nodded. "Well a hundred points from slytherin twenty-five from gryffindor and three Saturdays detentions for the lot of you"Snape said and yet again Dumbledore nodded "yes that would serve as a good punishment you may go now".

The friends all nodded except for Theo "professor it was my idea, i preformed the charms and convinced them to help me they shouldn't get detention for my actions"he lied and Dumbledore nodded "how very noble of you mr Nott to turn yourself in you four won't have any detentions or house points taken from you"they then nodded knowing Theo wouldn't let the story change after that and walked out of the great hall. "Theo what fuck why did you lie?"Daphne asked "parce que c'est un idiot avec un"Penelope muttered in French and Enzo laughed "okay you two the rest of us don't live in France or know french so maybe explain to us what Penny just said"Blaise exclaimed annoyed at their other language usages "well why should all of us get in trouble when we can make it so only one of us does?"Theo explained "yeah well it should of been me, i was the one who wanted it to happen and suggested it,"Pen said "princess i don't care about a few detentions and the story worked better with me than you"Theo stated and Penelope rolled her eyes "i already told you stop calling me that". "Stop calling you want? Princess?" He mocked "hey look find us after your lovers quarrel"Blaise said and him Daphne and Enzo turned to walk away "its not a lovers quarrel"they both said at the same time "than what about the kiss"Enzo teased the pair "it was for a kiss cam we're not pussys"Penelope said at the exact same time Theo said "we were giving the people what they wanted". Penny rolled her eyes and walked away from the scene walking up to the gryffindor common room.

Once again she found herself on that armchair in the corner of the common room stroking that random ginger cat whilst doing some homework. The cat was curled up on her lap purring until an unknown hand stroked it, surprised Penelope looked up it was Hermione "i think crookshanks likes you"Hermione said and it dawned on Penelope "hes yours?" She asked "yes thank you by the way for the Christmas present it was a great book and I wanted to say that i got your gift for you because i value you as a friend, as a person not for your forgiveness"Hermione replied "well thank you for the gift its lovely, very calming"Penelope thanked maintaining the civil conversation. "You know i am truly sorry for what i said it was wrong of me and cruel-" Hermione started the apology but it was cut short "it's fine I'm over it, it hurt at the time but not anymore and I'm done with holding grudges it's too tiring, you didn't mean it and i need a friend like you"Penny interrupted.

"Thank you Penelope all is forgiven?"Hermione asked and Penny nodded "All is forgiven" she then jumped up and hugged Hermione the two girls staying like that for a couple of minutes glad that they had their friendship back. The two girls went up to their dorms chatting and laughing and catching up until Penelope brought up a serious topic "okay so i have to show you something Fred and George gave me this map and it shows where everyone is on the grounds but it keeps on saying that Peter Pettigrew was with you guys but no one was there you guys were right in front of me". "I know its scary and hard but the map looks old so it's probably just malfunctioning" Hermione explained and Penny nodded "yeah probably anyways i think I'll just go down and talk to Rem- professor Lupin"Penelope replied and Hermione nodded and said goodbye going to read in her own bed.

 "I know its scary and hard but the map looks old so it's probably just malfunctioning" Hermione explained and Penny nodded "yeah probably anyways i think I'll just go down and talk to Rem- professor Lupin"Penelope replied and Hermione nodded and ...

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A/n: Theo is so cunty this chapter and I love it, my girls r back together lowk glad bc I miss their friendship anyways this made it to 3000 words so I split it in half ish but the way it is now makes more sense anyways sorry the timings of the ye...

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A/n: Theo is so cunty this chapter and I love it, my girls r back together lowk glad bc I miss their friendship anyways this made it to 3000 words so I split it in half ish but the way it is now makes more sense anyways sorry the timings of the year r a bit messed up. Also I've decided im going to post chapters twice a week on Mondays and Fridays oh and I've took down the playlist bc i made it ages ago and wanted to make some changes 😭 😭 1492 words I hope you enjoyed x

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