Chapter 1

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In an mystical, and mysterious realm known as Rhaena. Rhaena is full of magical mist that covers almost everywhere of Rhaenas lands. Rhaenas lands there is an whole lot of mystical Fairies, Elves and along with other magical creatures.

Now Fairies and Elves do not get along at all! Fairies and Elves have an very deep deep hatred towards one other for many many centuries, and because its been going on, so long every other mystical creature forgotten what those two tribes are even feuding about! Well almost everyone the Fairies and Elves fully remembers what the feud between them is about. I bet you are wondering, or even questioning this exact very question in youre mind. What is this feud that the Fairies and Elves have is even about? Well let me tell you what it is that started this feud.

You see an very very long long time an ago the two tribess Chief leaders were having an meeting to work out an peace treaty between their people, but it soon ended very terribly for both tribes. When the Elvess Chief Hyunjin said that Elvess magic is way more powerful then Fairiess magic!

Now Fairiess Chief Minhyuk did not like the attitude, and comment that Chief Hyunjin just said, and started yelling at Chief Hyunjin about how much better Elvess magic is then Fairiess magic! Which caused the two Chiefs to get into an huge huge argument over it, and caused the peace treaty to be thrown out the window! Its also that very exact same argument that also caused the feud between the two tribes to even start fighting in the first place, and that fight happened over 20 years ago! The two tribes never get along because of that very argument, and never want to see eye to eye.

Now to talk about how Rhaenas lands are ruled, or worked. You see each mystic creature has its own village, or valley that their own kind, or well species.

There are the Dragon Guards.🐉🐲 Now I bet you are curious about what an Dragon Guard is? Well let me explain. Now an Dragon Guard is an person who looks to be human with Elf pointy ears, but they also have nails that are like Dragon claws, Dragon tail, Dragon fans, Dragon eyes, Dragon wings on their backs, and wears armor all the time.

Dragon Guards even have very similar abilities just like Dragons. Dragon Guards can fly, breathe fire, have super heightened senses, super heightened hearing, can see at an very very far four miles distance away with their eyes, very incredible strong strength, and they are even elemental proof depending what type of elemental Dragon they are, and they can even communicate with Dragons.

Dragon Guards can eat normal regular food, or they can eat other magical creatures food as well if its in their diet.

Dragon Guards do whatever it takes to uphold the laws of Rhaena lands. They are not afraid to ever back down from a fight. They're kinda of like the Ruffians of Rhaena.

Now for the second race of species for Rhaena. Now for Tricoxes, and I bet you are wondering this just now. Whats an Tricoxes?❓Well let me explain an Tricoxes is an fox, but with an human body. Tricoxes have fox fur, ears, tail, hands like an human, feet like paws like normal foxes do, and fox like eyes.

Tricoxes are known for being total tricksters. They have powers over illusions, and any other trickster stuff they can come up with. Tricoxes are the trickiest Rogues there are in Rhaena. Tricoxes are masters when it comes to out tricking someone. Tricoxes are known to keeping to themselves, and only themselves.

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