Chapter 3

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Ceridwen keeps following Viola to the office. Ceridwen is smiling happy that she met Viola to guide her.

Viola is shocked she met someone especially an Elf who is, so perky. Viola wonders does Ceridwen even know what Conchugal Academy is like? She is wondering what does this Elf girl think Conchugal Academy is?

“So can you tell me more about Conchugal Academy?” Ceridwen asked Viola.

“Well for starters Conchugal Academy isn’t an sunny fun place where everyone gets along. No you see here it’s all about survival of the fittest. Especially about sticking to your own kind.” Viola said.

Ceridwen couldn’t believe what she is hearing with her own ears right now.

“Wait what do you mean? Survivor of the fittest! Sticking to your own kind! But that’s not how to live at all!” Ceridwen said.

Viola looks at Ceridwen.

“Look I get it that doesn’t sound appealing to me either, but it’s just how things work here.” Viola said.

“But it shouldn’t how people should live.” Ceridwen said.

Viola looks at Ceridwen’s light green hazel eyes. Viola can’t believe what she is hearing   
right now.

/Did I just hear her right? She thinks this is crazy too.\ Viola thinks inside her mind.

“Look I understand this isn’t for everyone, but it’s how things work.” Viola said.

“But who said it has to be this way. We can change things.” Ceridwen said.

Viola couldn’t believe her ears right now. She couldn’t believe this girl wanted to change things. Viola wonders how does she think she can change how things are? I mean how can she think it’s even possible?

“What okay right there. You need to get that crazy nonsense out of your head.” Viola  said.

Ceridwen couldn’t understand why she should get that idea out of her head?! Especially if it can help change things for everyone.

“But that’s why the more reason to try to help make the change.” Ceridwen said.

Viola couldn’t believe her ears right now, or what she is hearing at this moment! She could not believe that this girl wanted to change things just because it is not right!

Viola soon stops right in front of the office of the school.

“Well here it is the office.” Viola said.

“Thank you Viola for leading me here.” Ceridwen said.

“You’re welcome Ceridwen.” Viola said.

Ceridwen walks inside the office.

After Ceridwen walks inside the office Viola walks away, but Ceridwen’s words are still inside her head.

Oh what’s going to happen next? What will Viola do with Ceridwen’s idea about changing the school? Will Ceridwen be able to do it, or not?! Well there is only one way to find out. I’ll see you until next time.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 08 ⏰

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