My Dad.

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So, I am in Oklahoma, I'm here to see my biological father. He told me, that he wanted things to be different, but when I get here, surprise surprise, not a fucking thing changes. Nothing. Literately fucking nothing. Im seriously thinking he doesn't want a damn thing to do with me. Him and I smoke pot together. That's it. This is just bullshit. I'm here trying my hardest to make him feel like a dad, or help him out with doing something. Just me and him. But, he's not even fucking trying. I'm fucking done trying to make things better with my dad. He's just... He isn't owning up to his word. And that's something I didn't inherit from him. I always owned up to my word. Ever since I had a friend, who killed herself, she made me promise to help the broken. And that's what I do. I help people. That's me. And, honestly, I'm seriously just about to start walkin out of Oklahoma, and maybe just maybe get back into Tennessee. But, alas, I haven't the required supplies, or weapons, or anything. I'm just done...

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