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Y/ns personality

Even though y/n has had quite the tricky life she still has the same humour as wade, she seems to brighten up a room with her witty comments and sarcasm. Some people don't find her jokes to be as funny as she thinks they are but it's a coping mechanism for her. If she sees others laughing why not play along right? Y/n is weary of everyone but it's better to be safe then sorry , they are very loud and chaotic and can do anything once they put their mind to it.

Y/ns powers
Telekinesis- she can move stuff with her mind with enough concentration she can move entire planets but this causes a lot of drain-edge and can cause her to pass out and stay unconscious for weeks.

Teleport- not only can she teleport herself she can also do it to objects and other people to much use of this tho can cause her to become light headed

Eyes- when y/n feels a strong emotion her eyes change coulour this normally means sunglasses are her only way to not be perceived  as abnormal.

Immortal- much like wade she cannot die but with this it also means she doesn't age. She gained this ability while she was 19 meaning however old she gets she never will look the age she is ment to be.

Genius- this isn't a super power but sure feels like one y/n as the highest IQ with this being 306.

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