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Luna Kriticos

She was born in 1978 to Jean Kriticos and Arthur Kriticos. She was born happy and healthy and grew up with both her parents loving her very much. She grew up to be very sweet and kind no matter the person. But she had an interesting talent for sensing if someone had good intentions or not. As years went by her parents decided that it was time to meet her great uncle Cyrus. So just after she turned 6 in the summer of 1984 while her mother was pregnant with her younger sister, they met Cyrus at the park near their home. The moment Luna met Cyrus she had an uneasy feeling, knowing that she'd never been wrong she decided to keep her distance from him and tell her parents about the feeling she had. Knowing that she has had similar encounters in the past they decided to distance themselves from him. Just after that meeting at the start of fall her sister Kathy was born. For the next seven years her family life was blissful and happy, growing a strong bond with Kathy. At the end of the seven years her little brother Bobby was born. She loved him very much the moment she laid her eyes on him just as much as she loved Kathy.

Three years later

Luna grew into a gorgeous 16-year-old girl while her sister Kathy turned into a lovely 10-year-old girl and Bobby turned into a hyper happy 3-year-old. But all that would choose with one visit to the park. Luna decided to take Kathy to the park one day, one that is quite popular among any crowd no matter the age. It just so happens that on that day Luna's classmate and her posse would be there. The classmate's name was Amber the queen bee of Luna's high school. She was quite known for being a bully to those she deemed beneath her. Luna being one of those, but she did not care she stood up for herself and many others which Amber did not like. Luna didn't spot her but one of Amber's Minions did. So, she alerted Amber of Luna and Kathy's presents, with that amber had a plan. When she saw that Luna was distracted, she called Kathy over. Introduced herself and said she was one of Luna's friends which was a lie. But Kathy, being none the wiser, accepted her statement. Amber offered her a lollipop but not just any normal one but a poisoned one thinking either Kathy would eat it and devastate Luna or Luna would eat it and die either way it was a win for Amber. When Luna looked up, she noticed Kathy walking away from amber and her group, she got a bad feeling. And knowing her feelings are never wrong she quickly ran over to Kathy. She asked Kathy where she got the lollipop from, and Kathy explained saying that her friend gave it to her. This alarmed Luna because she knew Amber was no friend of hers. So, she quickly snatched from the lollipop away from her telling her to let her have a taste first before she could have it Kathy whined a little but accepted it anyways. The moment Luna put it in her mouth she knew what Amber had done. She quickly grabbed Kathy by the shoulders with the lollipop still in her mouth. Forcing her to look at her in a very serious time she told Kathy that it wasn't her fault. It was never her fault it never will be her fault ever no matter what anyone tells her. And that she loves her very much. Kathy, startled and confused by her sister's sudden change, just stared at her wide eyed telling her that she loved her as well. As the time went by Luna's vision started to blur her breathing started to become labored, her eyes are drifting over to amber and her group. Watching as they just laughed at what was happening. Kathy, seeing something was wrong, started to panic, asking what was wrong over and over to Luna, seeing how she could not speak at that moment she collapsed. It was all the energy she had left when she said I love you one last time to Kathy before taking her final breath. Kathy began to cry and panic, seeing that her sister was not moving she started to scream for help, but it was already too late. Passerby came running to the commotion calling 911. When the police arrived, they came and took Kathy away. While walking away Kathy Bates saw the paramedics coming to her sister. Kathy was screaming and begging crying trying to get back to her sister. But the cops did not let her go and they put her in the back of the car and started taking her to the station. Well, she looked out the window watching as the paramedics covered her sister with a blanket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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